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 Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Seriously folks I am so sorry for the lack of posts. Honestly I entered into some kind of doze. Whatever that means. Actually planning for my senior year and thinking of all the different things that have to be accomplished by a specific date is rather stressful. Especially when you throw college into the mix. Since I have been in this mind boggling stupor it has even stunted my writing creativity. Neither have I written a post, that does not have to do with a review, or worked on a novel of any kind. Snippets of stories come to my mind, but I have been too in the dumps to actually get up and write them down. Well after finally exercising, which it has been at least two months, I thankfully found the drive to pick myself back up and get back in the swing of things. Hopefully this lasts. ;) Has school, work, or anything of that kind sent you into the dumps? Please comment and tell, so I know I'm not the only one out there. :) Btw what do you do to relieve that stress? I usually watch tv. Mother, when she is sad, eats. lol Unfortunately I'm starting to pick up that habit. hehe God bless and remember you always have a friend in Jesus. :)


"The Amazing Spider-Man"

 Saturday, July 7, 2012

Long time no see! Sorry for the lack of posts but I've had writer's block. Hopefully this post will break that spell.
Now you might be asking yourself, was this new rendition of Spider-Man really amazing? Well, I have to say they didn't do too bad of a job. ;) Actually it was pretty good! After reading a review from PluggedIn I was a little frightened that they ruined it. PluggedIn said something along the lines of "the first Spider-Man movie had less "stuff" in it and this movie was grittier." Honestly... they lied. Despite being a huge fan of the first Spider-Man movie I can say that that one had more "stuff" in it than this new release. Both I might add, had too much stuff in it, but that is beside the point. As for content I didn't catch up on any serious language in the "The Amazing Spider-Man". Although at the other end of the spectrum they did have some kissing parts. Really only two parts were Peter(Spider-Man) and Gwen(his girlfriend) are actually kissing and the other scenes they get really close to it. Also in the subway Spider-Man is having trouble controlling his "sticky" powers and accidentally rips off this lady's shirt. We see her in a bra and that is basically it. Very easy to see coming. When we were in the theater and I just turned to my brother and said "This is the part, close your eyes." The end.
In this adaption of Spider-Man a few things are different from the originals. Like how Mary Jane is not in it. Gwen is. Honestly the ages felt a bit off in this movie. Gwen seemed quite a bit older than Peter. I believe it was how they had her dress. It was all a bit too old for her. Also you finally get a clearer back story that will definitely come into play, eventually. I also felt that the original trilogy was more patriotic. Including the people of New York as people Spider-Man actually caring about him and being of some help. Basically just a great cheering squad. ;) Now I'm not actually going to do a review. I'm sry. Instead there is this:

Now here is my battle between the Spideys!

Andrew Garfield:                                                              
In "The Amazing Spider-Man" you couldn't really imagine him as the nerdy/made-fun-of kid. Sry. He appeared to be the more "popular" kind. What he did have going for him was that he appeared younger. In the other Spider-Man movie it felt like they were already adults. Andrew had that young feeling that was lacking in the other movie.                    

Tobey Maguire:
He will always be my Spider-Man. Can't help it. I grew up with that movie. Now Tobey Maguire is the guy that we could all cheer for! He was that perfect nerdy kind of guy. Not too cool or anything like that. Although the acting was a bit too grown-up. Taking into consideration that he supposedly just graduated from high-school in the first movie. Also, I have to say, that he kind of got on my nerves at times. Too angry. :P

Who do you believe is the perfect Spider-Man? May the battle begin.
God bless and have a wonderful weekend! :)


Two Girls, One Week

 Monday, June 25, 2012

My friend flew in to see me! I had an amazing time and am so blessed by the friendship! Hope you enjoy these photos and are having your own wonderful summer memories!

My friend Hannah! This is after she got off the airplane. :)

       All of us girls together. The girl in the middle came in to be with the two girls on the right. We all met up at the airport.

My pastor says this all the time! I had to get a picture of this. :)

Pretty fountain!

Glam girls. ;) hehe. I was really looking forward to getting some great pics together and I think we accomplished that. :)

Oh, yeah. ;)

This was Hannah's first time swimming in the ocean! We had to make a special trip for that!

We all meant back up.!

We buried her alive! ;)

She thought she looked like a turtle in this pic.

The smoulder...

Very large elevator doors!

At the museum!

"May I steal this dance?"

The entire trip was a blast! From taking her to see our church and meet my friends, to the beach,  archery, sight seeing, MALL SHOPPING, touring a college(I'm making her go to college here), but most of all being with each other. I love her like a sister! Honestly when she left I was like, "Where is my other sibling?" It was great being able to experience what it is like to have a sister. i shall always cherish our friendship and never forget the way God made it all work out. No broken bones and no missed flights! :D God bless and I hope you have your own friend in Christ!


"The Three Musketeers"

 Thursday, June 21, 2012

      Well, I have to say that I am so glad that I decided not to have my brother watch this movie with us. *shakes head* This movie was not very good. Enjoyable, to a certain degree, but not in the least recommendable. There was so much "stuff" in it that I was repulsed. So much of it was just added in the movie to take up time. Cleavage, skimpy dresses, and passionate kissing make this movie not worth seeing. Especially with guys. Did I find this movie funny? Yes, actually I couldn't help but laugh at times! If you are a girl and you want to see this movie it won't scar you for life. If you get my meaning? The reason I'm "against" this movie is because I was extremely disappointed
    Anyway... lol Sry there isn't an "actual" review. I wrote one but it wasn't worth reading. :P So, I will get that post written about the week with my friend... Eventually. lol God bless and have a wonderful week!


"Journey 2: The Mysterious Island"

 Tuesday, June 19, 2012

        My friend, Hannah, flew in from my old home town and stayed with me for a week! We had an utter blast! I shall have a post about it. Anyway during her trip we watched "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" and I was pleasantly surprised! The first Journey movie I hated when I watched it, but 10 times later I learned to love it! Strange I know! With this movie though I enjoyed it all the way through. Unfortunately though the movie was a little too fast paced and the main girl was dressed in a tank, which showed quite a bit of cleavage. Only one scene really drew attention to that but for the rest of the movie it wasn't a big deal. I wasn't uncomfortable with my brother watching the movie.
     Now "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" shows Sean as a teenager and dealing with a new stepfather. Sean doesn't take very well to Hank, his stepfather, and clearly shows his distaste. Wanting to bond with Sean, Hank allows him to travel to a foreign land. With him that is. Why? Sean believes that his grandfather sent him a coded message to him saying he found the Mysterious Island.... Jules Verne was right and the adventure takes off... Sketchy helicopters, hurricanes, small is big and big is small, and many other elements spin a 'mysterious' tale.
     My friend and I were laughing so hard! This movie was incredibly funny! And it takes a lot to make me laugh! I recommend this movie. :) Will it be fantastic? No. This movie is just for fun and doesn't have that much of a story. If you start watching it expecting nothing I'm sure you'll like it. Just don't start expecting it to be great.
       Hope you are having a wonderful summer break and God bless!


The Horror!

 Saturday, June 9, 2012

After my entire life of worrying for this particular day, it finally arrived... The test for the ACT! This morning I woke up at 6:20, which I might add is very early for me, and tried to quench those nerves rising up in me. Putting my hair into a pony tail, getting dressed, and making sure I had everything we started our journey. Before getting there we took a quick pit-stop and got some 7-UP, which we though was caffeinated... It was not. lol We found out after the test. lol Anyway we arrived a a beautiful school, which was very old and antique, and waiting outside the room we thought was our class. Talking and seeing some friends pasted the time and right when everyone was supposed to go in we find out we are at the wrong door! Us and one of our friends weren't taking the essay portion and we were on the floor with that. Running down stairs we arrived at our actual classroom. That helped to calm my nerves. The test began.... The science portion was tricky and surprisingly enough the reading was slightly hard! Can you believe that the reading portion was hard for the reader? Anyway it is true. If the class room had a secret camera and you could see you would notice my entire countenance fill with exhalation! I knew some of the math! lol I was able to do a lot of the problems! Towards the end it became slightly more difficult but I was making it through! :D Anyway I am glad that it is all over and I didn't keel over. ;) I'm so thankful to God that he calmed my trembling hand and helped me through it! Have you taken the ACT? Hope you did well! God bless and have a wonderful week! Btw my friend is flying in to see me this week! :D You will see pictures soon enough! :D


"Wives and Daughters"

 Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Wives and Daughters" BBC movie is lovely. It can't necessarily be called fantastic, wonderful, or inspiring, so I use the term lovely. This version of "Wives and Daughters" is five hours long. Now the rather simple review. ;)
        As a little girl, Molly Gibson, is raised by her widowed father. Years later, after checking up on a patient, Mr. Gibson meets a women to whom he would wish to be the new Mrs. Gibson. Once they are married and settled in his home Mrs. Gibson comes to live with them. All this is a lot for Molly to digest. Although she loves her father dearly and will put up with anything for his sake, even a women who detests a simple thing like cheese. After a little bit of time Molly meets her new stepsister. Surprisingly she finds that she truly does like her new stepsister, Cynthia. With flirtatious behavior and good looks throws many men in Cynthia's path. Will she be the right kind of influence on Molly? Spending time with Hamleys brings new acquaintances and Molly finds herself in the company of Roger and Osborne Hamley. Osborne is the first born and is known for his looks and smarts. Roger on the other hand was more passed by but has a love for science. Molly comes to love one of these young men. Sadly though the man she loves professes love for her beautiful stepsister. Bearing all this with the utmost dignity she harbors no resentment to her stepsister. Then a Mr. Preston arrives and claims that Cynthia has promised to marry him! With all kindness Molly takes it upon herself to help Cynthia out and finds herself now at the end of gossip. Will her reputation be ruined? Will the man she truly loves come to his senses?! Is Cynthia someone with far too flighty feelings? Through and through Molly will always be Molly. :)
       Honestly I have to tell you that at times I was extremely bored. This is not a fast paced movie and takes a long time for things to come about. Despite that the ending made up for everything! Loved! I'm not joking I was acting like a little girl bouncing in my chair. hehe. Anyway I would have liked to see them at least hug in the end. I was like "What?" lol Do I suggest this movie?.... Well I suggest it to be people who are quite used to watching very long movies. Also you have to be rather a sentimental romantic. ;) Honestly I didn't know I belonged to that class, at least entirely, until watching "Wives and Daughters". lol I love reading romantic books and watching these kind of movies.
God bless and have a wonderful week!

Molly Gibson!

The Wife, top right, and the daughters! Cynthia, left, and Molly, right.

Roger and Molly. Love this picture! Little science buddies!


Dating or Courting?

 Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Honestly I think the only people who have ever heard the word 'courting' are home schooled. Just an observation. ;) Then there is the word 'dating' that I believe most everyone knows about. ;) What are the differences you may ask? Well I'll give you a little run down on courting:

Courting: Basically it's dating but with subtle differences. Courting is where the guy in question asks the girls father if he may court her. If the father says yes the guy begins courting the daughter. Strangely enough I have seen the guy have to answer a list of questions. Not that asking questions is bad, but the questions they were asking were just plain strange! Anyway this relationship between them is consider very "forward". From the first "date" you are looking at the other as the person you may likely marry. Also it is unlikely for these courtships to be broken off. If it is broken off it's slightly uncomfortable... The guy will have to go to the girl's father and give him a reason for wanting to break up with the girl. Isn't that awfully awkward! They are not allowed to be alone together. As far as this I don't know much more and this information is just from what I have witnessed. I'm sure it varies.

Fortunately my family does not do the courting thing! Yay! lol Anyway we don't do the normal 'dating' thing either. We have our own little system called Christian dating. If I go on a date it doesn't have to be determined that I'll marry this person. I'm allowed to date as many guys as I want. That doesn't sound right... lol Nonetheless it is true. I don't have to settle just because it was the first guy I went out with. Though I do have to look at the guy as possibly the guy I could marry. In other words I wouldn't date a guy that I knew I couldn't marry. Another thing, I am not allowed to be alone with the guy. Public settings are a good thing. :) Oh, did I forget that we have to get to know one another. lol That's basically it. I like that it's simple.

How would/do you go on dates? Do you have your own little system? Do you court? (Btw I have quite a bit of friends that court) Do you just do the regular dating thing? I would love for you to comment and tell some reasons why you do a specific kind.
God bless and have a wonderful rest of the week.


"Downton Abbey"

 Tuesday, May 22, 2012

After watching the second to last episode of season two, for Downton Abbey, I was hooked! I just love this show for some reason! Some characters I love, hate, and am thoroughly amused by. Recently I just finished season one. Yes, I watched season two then the first season. :) Actually it didn't really ruin anything. :D I have to give a word of caution though, there is some "adult" content. :P Mostly in the form of couples kissing. In season two there is less of that, at least from what I can remember. Unfortunately in season one they had a "gay" scene! I was shocked and totally caught off guard! I believe it only shows them kiss. When it first happened I fumbled for the remote and it would not work! Every time I fast forwarded and pushed play it would stop right at the kiss. I was grossed out and honestly considered not watching it anymore. Though I do love this series.

Downton Abbey is about the Crawley family during the early 20th century. Their lives revolve around getting Mary, the eldest daughter, an eligible suitor and petty things like this consume their lives. Sister rivalry also takes part and is quite shocking to see what people will do to one another.  Not only do you view the lives of the "rich and famous" but also what the lives are like below, among the servants. Their desires, wants, and ambitions. All this takes place in England during a very important time in the world's history. Lives will be lost, wars won, but family and the ones around you make up your memories...

The head lady! I love her quick and witty remarks. She's strong and ready to take action, and certainly won't be pushed aside. 

The dresses are gorgeous! Left: Lady Edith, who is kind of the odd one out among the sisters and is basically forgotten by everyone. Middle: Lady Sybil is a strong willed girl and is for women's rights! Also she doesn't care what everyone else thinks and does not have a hunger for money. Right: Lady Mary, who is decidedly fixed on making her fortune by marriage. Despite her hard outer layer there is a kinder soul beneath. One moment you'll think "what an atrocious women!" and the next you'll love her. 

And here is the main guy, a little hero in his own respects. Matthew Crawley, destined to inherit Downton Abbey! Honor and virtue hold him true to his word and he is always a gentlemen. 

Anyway I just thought I would introduce you to some characters. :)

I know that was a very short review of two seasons of a show but honestly you just have to watch it for yourself.  Several characters that I liked in season one I don't like in season two, and vise versa. Did I mention that the fashion is impeccable! From every hat pin to the very shoes, I love it all!


"North and South"

 Friday, May 18, 2012

(Not my picture)

After finally ordering this book from Barnes and Noble, and having it arrive, I was acting like a total fan-girl! Just holding "North and South" in my hands and looking over the names was pleasure. If you have seen the movie, BBC version that is, you will understand why I had to end up reading it. A friend of mine asked if I was able to imagine Richard Armitage as John Thornton while reading this book. Actually I did imagine that actor from time to time, while reading it, but I more frequently imagined Daniela Denby-Ashe as Margaret. Perfect casting for the movie, just had to say.
Surprisingly I was a slightly disappointed with this book. Honestly I was looking forward to any new little details it could give me and just to be able to soak it all up. Not to say that this book was not lovely or anything like that but once you have watched the movie I believe it stripped the pleasure away from reading it. But first my review. I tell you more of what I thought after I tell a bit about the book.

"North and South" was written by Elizabeth Gaskell and it showed how love blooms. Whether the party receiving this love wants it or not. You are introduced to Margaret Hale, a respectful and opinionated young women. Once her cousin, Edith, is married off Margaret comes to reside with her parents again. Although there is bitter turmoil beneath the surface. Mr. Hale, Margaret's father, has a turn of conscience and gives up his living as a parson. With this overshadowing her, she also has to leave her beloved home Helstone. Leaving the trees and glades and forests wander, Margaret must accustom herself to living in Milton. Dreary and so far away from her home, the dirt and smug do little to lift her spirits. Meeting the manufacturer, Mr. Thornton, stretches her mind to not think so ill of a manufacturer. Although she finds the most friendship in the slum places of town among Mr. Higgins and his daughter, Bessy. Struggles hit everyone when a strike breaks out and Margaret is caught in the middle. Doing what she thinks is right, Margaret puts herself in harms way to protect Mr. Thornton. Later when Mr. Thornton professes his unabashed love for her, she turns him down forthright! Determined to always love her, John Thornton is brokenhearted as it appears that she will never return his affections. As financial circumstances change will it continue to separate them? Will his love conquer all, or will she never marry?

Well I went on a rampage of info, didn't I? ;) The reason for such disappointed feelings for "North and South", is because the ending was so short! I was shocked! After a book that spares no expense in telling what kind of floors they had, I was dully shocked by how quickly it was wrapped up!  Despite the fact that it was romantic I was really hoping that it would be dragged out. lol Another reason I was disappointed is because I basically knew what was going to happen at every turn, which can be a little boring. I really liked this book, but wished I hadn't watched the movie first. Basically in that sentence I gave you my advise: Read the book first! If you have already watched the movie I wouldn't really bother reading it. Although that is up to you.
God bless and have a wonderful week!


"The Double"

 Sunday, May 13, 2012

I really liked this movie! Very interesting and upbeat! Before I continue I have to tell you that the cursing was very bothersome! In other words they included to use God's name in vain, around 7 times. Mostly in the first 30min. :P Also there was this one scene where they, the main characters, were interrogating this one women who was scantily dressed. Other than these set backs I would totally recommend this movie.

"The Double" is about two agents, Paul Shepherdson (Richard Gere) and Ben Geary (Topher Grace), who both devoted their lives to finding Cassius. These two men are thrust together after a soviet assassin, Cassius, kills a senator. Former CIA agent, Paul, tries to talk Ben out of trying to find this cruel killer, but his attempts fail. Ben has been searching and learning all he can about Cassius for too long to give heed to caution. Should Ben give up when it hits a little closer to home? Although not all is as it seems. With murders popping up here and there, Ben believes he has the killer. Or is it all just a mask to an even bigger plan?

I watched this movie on Netflix! Honestly I love Netflix! I will be spending all month, for that's when the free trial runs out, watching movies! Soon, once I'm done reading "North and South" by Elizabeth Gaskell, I will watch the BBC film! So excited! Should I mention that it wouldn't be the first time I have watched it, or even the second time? lol

God bless and have a wonderful week! Guess what? This is my 200th post! Not very exciting is it? ;) Anyway thank you all so much for the encouraging words that have given me the drive to give you 200 more! :)


Memorable Yard Sale

 Saturday, May 12, 2012

This is the first time I had actually gone to a yard sale. Other than the times as a very young child. I am so pleased with my purchases! The yard sale was a fundraiser for the youth, in our church, to go to a youth retreat. Despite my efforts to pay more I got all this for just 10 bucks! :D

All of my purchases together. The picture didn't focus too well. Sry.

I love this!

"The Columbia History of the World" just looked too interesting not to get! It has a ton of history in it and I can't wait to pour over it. The book on the right is on of my favorites and I'm so glad I found it! 

I got this for my brother since his room is the "travel" theme. Mainly consisting of Ships. :) 

I was trying to get a good angle on it. I love the little details. 

I was ecstatic when I found these! They're so intriguing! 

The entire set!

As you can see I don't think I did too bad shopping. ;) God bless and have a wonderful week!


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