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"Wives and Daughters"

 Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Wives and Daughters" BBC movie is lovely. It can't necessarily be called fantastic, wonderful, or inspiring, so I use the term lovely. This version of "Wives and Daughters" is five hours long. Now the rather simple review. ;)
        As a little girl, Molly Gibson, is raised by her widowed father. Years later, after checking up on a patient, Mr. Gibson meets a women to whom he would wish to be the new Mrs. Gibson. Once they are married and settled in his home Mrs. Gibson comes to live with them. All this is a lot for Molly to digest. Although she loves her father dearly and will put up with anything for his sake, even a women who detests a simple thing like cheese. After a little bit of time Molly meets her new stepsister. Surprisingly she finds that she truly does like her new stepsister, Cynthia. With flirtatious behavior and good looks throws many men in Cynthia's path. Will she be the right kind of influence on Molly? Spending time with Hamleys brings new acquaintances and Molly finds herself in the company of Roger and Osborne Hamley. Osborne is the first born and is known for his looks and smarts. Roger on the other hand was more passed by but has a love for science. Molly comes to love one of these young men. Sadly though the man she loves professes love for her beautiful stepsister. Bearing all this with the utmost dignity she harbors no resentment to her stepsister. Then a Mr. Preston arrives and claims that Cynthia has promised to marry him! With all kindness Molly takes it upon herself to help Cynthia out and finds herself now at the end of gossip. Will her reputation be ruined? Will the man she truly loves come to his senses?! Is Cynthia someone with far too flighty feelings? Through and through Molly will always be Molly. :)
       Honestly I have to tell you that at times I was extremely bored. This is not a fast paced movie and takes a long time for things to come about. Despite that the ending made up for everything! Loved! I'm not joking I was acting like a little girl bouncing in my chair. hehe. Anyway I would have liked to see them at least hug in the end. I was like "What?" lol Do I suggest this movie?.... Well I suggest it to be people who are quite used to watching very long movies. Also you have to be rather a sentimental romantic. ;) Honestly I didn't know I belonged to that class, at least entirely, until watching "Wives and Daughters". lol I love reading romantic books and watching these kind of movies.
God bless and have a wonderful week!

Molly Gibson!

The Wife, top right, and the daughters! Cynthia, left, and Molly, right.

Roger and Molly. Love this picture! Little science buddies!


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