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Meet Me In St. Louis

 Thursday, May 27, 2010

I absolutely love this movie! I simply adore the song as well! I just feel like singing the song right now! Well I'll go on to my review now. lol This movie is very good! For younger children this would definitely bore them. Also there isn't really a point, other than everyone is in love with the fair. The halloween part is actually quite scary. The children are horrible! lol I'm not joking. The kids would go up to people's homes and say I hate you while throwing powder in their face. It's quite different from holloween during the time period that we are living in. I have to say though that holloween during this age is probably a lot scarier than back then. This movie was supposed to take place during the 1900's and the movie was actually made in 1944. I forgot to mention that this is a romantic musical. It's really sweet! You will probably recognize the main character from The Wizard of Oz. Btw I never liked Wizard of Oz. Go and see Meet Me in St. Louis!!!


Senior Events!

 Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I cannot believe that so many of my friends are graduating! Recently I went to several graduation parties. The first party that I had gone to was the Senior Banquet. It was really nice! Almost everyone shared memories that they had with the seniors. Some of them were really touching! For some reason I went home and cried. I suppose I cried because of the speeches and my friends leaving. Fortunately they won't be going too far. ;) The next event I went to was the graduation party. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to the actual graduation, we were super busy that morning. Anyway we didn't stay too long at the graduation party. I'm quite surprised because they had all of these events back to back. I'm not joking! They had the Senior Banquet the day before the graduation and people stayed at the banquet till 12 at night! Then of course they had the party several hours after the graduation. I'm sure the seniors are happy that they can have a break! It really annoys me at times how they have dancing at every event, like those that I had mentioned. I knew they were going to have dancing at the banquet, but I'm quite surprised that they turned around and did it again at the party the following day. :P It's so stupid! Gotta go!


Ten Kids, One Room

 Thursday, May 20, 2010

Several days ago I had ten kids over and we all were in one room! Ahhh! lol It was so much fun! We played games, talked, laughed, choked on cupcakes, and just had a blast! Two of my friends came an hour early than the other six came! It was so much fun! We played Apples to Apples for awhile. They had never played that game before!!! Anyway guess what cards I got! Unfortunately I got dangerous, chunky, and another card that had to do with being big. lol We laughed about that. When we were done playing that, the guys played Buzz Word while the girls and I played a game called Flinch. I believe those were the only games we played, the rest of the time we were just laughing hysterically! A couple of them want to learn Sign Language, so I think I'm going to help them learn it. It has been so long since I've done it, I'm quite rusty. Sadly enough it's one of those languages that if you don't do it in awhile that you will forget a lot of it! :( I'm going to have to start practicing again. Anyway we definitely have to do this again! It was funny because my brother was telling my mother and I that he is so good at resting and that he's a professional at it. lol I said I'm great at partying and I'm a professional at it. lol We are so goofy! Recently I've been realizing that I say "it" a lot! I'm going to try to stop doing that. lol I'll probably just replace "it" with "that" :P


Romeo and Juliet

 Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well as you can obviously tell(if you've been reading this blog) that I have changed my background template. I love it! I'm quite surprised because I don't like the color pink. Also I will try to fix the name of my blog. For some reason you can't see the whole thing. Anyway on to my review of what I believe Romeo and Juliet is. First thing I have to say is that it's quite different from what I thought Romeo and Juliet would be like. Although I am pleasantly surprised. Annoyingly Romeo and Juliet does have a lot of dialog that would not have to be there. The people in it just go on and on and on about one subject. When they do go off on one subject, sometimes that subject doesn't even make sense. So sometimes you just have to continue without knowing exactly what they are talking about. Something that I found funny was that Romeo, at the beginning, was all sad about this girl that wouldn't have him. Next thing you know he's in love with Juliet, who he has never talked to, and wants to get married. What I thought, before I had read this book, was that Romeo and Juliet really did love each other. Now that I have read it, I don't believe they did. To me it seemed like a bunch of dramatics! In the moment, kind of stuff. Don't get my wrong, I did like this book. Also I would recommend it. Don't just take my word on how the book is, READ IT! :D I'm looking forward to reading another one Shakespeare's books! :)



 Monday, May 17, 2010

Well we've been really busy here lately! Several days ago I went to an eighth grade graduation and after that went to a friend of mine's house. I had a blast that day btw. :) Soon we'll be going to a senior banquet, graduation after party, book club meeting, and a couple of my friends are going to come over. Phew! I love being busy though! :D Also when the pools finally open I'm going to be super busy swimming! I can't wait! :D Wonderfully I'm almost done reading Romeo and Juliet! I'll tell you what I think when I'm done. Yesterday when I was reading The Count of Monte Cristo I was really into it! They had me in suspense! :D Although I did trace some similarity between that book and Romeo and Juliet. It was when Maximilian was going to get eloped with Valentine. That chapter had some parts that made me think if Alexandre Dumas took some things from Shakespeare. :P After I'm done with Romeo and Juliet I'm probably going to read another Shakespeare book. :D Also soon(I don't know when) but I'm going to start reading War and Peace, along with my brother. For now I'm going to rest while I can. ;)



 Thursday, May 13, 2010

I absolutely love Picnik! There is so much that you can do on it! I decided to show you pics that I have done. I'm not the best photo editor and this is what I've done. It's very easy to make things look beautiful! You can use Picnik for free but some of the things are premium and cost money to have. Since I'm on the yearbook staff I've been fortunate to be able to use it! :D Some of these were done without using premium! I totally suggest you use it if you like to edit photos! I believe I've been using Picnik for about 9 months(probably.) Not all of these pics did I take. I just edited them. :)


He Liked It!

 Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Recently my brother and mother finished watching North and South with me! They loved it! My brother said it beat all the girl movies that he has watched and it beat half of the other kind of movies! :D Also Jonas and I watched Mansfield Park. He didn't really like that though. I liked it, but it felt rushed. It could have been a movie that was several hours long not just an hour and a half. Also I wouldn't watch it with guys. The girls dresses were very low cut at times. Other than that it's really good and I was pleasantly surprised with how the movie was. It was different from the other Jane Austen movies that I had watched. If you are wondering what has been going on in my life, I have to tell you that tons of stuff has been happening but nothing has been happening. lol :P I did get my hair cut the other day! I love it. My hair was a little longer than my shoulders and now it's to my chin. It looks awesome! :D Perhaps I'll post a pic later!


Pre-Graduation Party!

 Saturday, May 8, 2010

Recently I went to a pre-graduation party. It was so so so much fun! At first I was scared no one was going to show up, because everyone got there about 20min late. When all of them showed up there were about 7 guys and 25 girls! LOL It was over populated by girls. First we had some delicious pizza while we talked and then we started playing games. The first game we played is too hard to explain but it wasn't that much fun, because hardly anyone understood it. Next we did games on who knew the seniors best and our team got second. The team that won had siblings and best friends on it. :P We did other games like that. Once we were done doing that we all got to hang out. Instead of just talking like we do at everything, we played soccer in a circle! It was so much fun! That lasted at least an hour. Once we were done doing that me and two other girls started playing volleyball! Although I had a blast doing that I did not have my knee pads, so now my knees hurt really bad! :P This event was so much fun, but if you're not much of a sports or playing person it probably wouldn't be your event. We so need to do this again! :D


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