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 Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Well today was very eventful...to say the least. lol We had one of my friends come with us to go swimming. When we were there my mom asked him if he knew how to swim and he answered enough. While we were in the deep end of the pool my brother flipped him out of the float and he went crashing into the waves. Suddenly he started panicking and flapping his arms like crazy! My brother went to help him but he put my brother under water. Then my mom tried to help but it didn't make him stop panicking. Finally when my mom motioned for the lifeguard he came in, it seemed like a second. The lifeguard helped him to the shore. When we all got out of the water we started laughing and couldn't stop. Great thing my friend can laugh at himself. Later on when he saw the lifeguard again he said thanks. I know I would have been so embarrassed to even see the guy again! He's the only one that I know that could handle that. I think my mom was more stressed after than he was. lol Well as you can guess my mom wasn't too happy with my brother. :P Once we sat down for quite awhile we went into the pool and played basketball in it. It was a lot of fun! I'm sure he had a blast! When you go swimming make sure everyone can swim. :)


Taking Life As It Comes

 Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well I don't know quite what to say. Kind of different for me. :P My life has been great but also there are those times when you are sad for various reasons. I'm feeling that. Not really right now because I don't know why but I'm just happy. :) But at those times I'm trying to be more happy. Recently I've tried something. Every time I ask God for something or another I've been trying to thank Him for something in what I'm asking. Here's an example: if I ask God for the people at my dad's work to stop persecuting him for being a Christian, I thank God that my dad has a job. That's what I mean when I said that. I do believe it's making me happier. When you think of counting your blessings you do it once then your back to complaining. I'm trying to every time I pray thank God for something. I feel like my soul is happier. Even at those times when I have a reason to be sad I'm okay. Also I'm trying to be less selfish. Today my mom had the bacon out and it needed put away. Although I really didn't want to touch that slimy and bloody bacon I did it because I was like, who am I that I can't touch something but my mom can. After I put away the bacon I was glad I did it, although I had to wash my hands thoroughly! lol I never told you all but after we watched Karate Kid my brother and I were trying kungfu moves on each other. We actually have a couple down. Hehe I love my dad so much and I hope he has a great Father's Day. Please pray for him because he has to go to the doctor and such for a problem that he has been having. Thanks!


The Karate Kid

 Friday, June 18, 2010

Eeek!!! The movie was great! I loved how they had a ton of action scenes! If you have watched the old one you will continuously have flash backs. Although the movie was a lot like the old one they did do quite a bit of their own stuff. Jaden Smith(the main character) was great! He's a really good actor! Some of the facial expressions remind me of his dad, it's funny. The movie did have a story line, which a lot of times the story is lost in the action, but in this they had a good balance. My dad pointed out to me that one of the only things they did to learn a kungfu move was taking, dropping, and putting on his jacket. I would have liked to see them do more of these things that you wouldn't think had anything to do with kungfu and make it kungfu. Like the old one. Also you probably noticed how I said kungfu and not karate. That's because in the movie he learns kungfu. In the movie I like how the mom is talking to her son and she says "you want to learn karate?" he's says he wants to learn kungfu and the mom is like it's the same thing. lol I just have to say again how great the action scenes were! Every time some one got punched and kicked it would make this sound that would freak you out every time. I literally jumped in my seat a few times. :P Unfortunately on to the negative elements: the movie had several curse words(not too many) and they had this one part where the girl dances. The dancing was inappropriate. Also they had this one part where Jay and her kiss. It wasn't long and it wasn't anything too bad. Overall the movie is really good and I so hope they come out with a second one!


Captives of the Written Word

 Sunday, June 13, 2010

We finished The Count of Monte Cristo! I'm not going to talk much about the book because I have talked about it so much that I'm getting tired of it. So all I have to say is that it's very good! You will love the book and hate the ending. :P Anyway when our book club came together to watch the movie I believe they really enjoyed it. The book and the movie are almost two different things. They weren't bored. I on the other hand was watching it for the fifth time. Although somehow I still enjoyed it. Also we decided on the next book we are going to be reading. The Black Arrow! It's during the time period of Robin Hood. Here is what my friend told me about it,

Set in the 1400s during the War of the Two Roses, when the houses of Lancaster and York vied for the throne of England, this book tells of the adventures of young Master Richard Shelton as he attempts to outwit the treacherous knight who killed his father and to rescue the fair Joanna Sedley. Through his exploits and occasional blunders, Richard learns the meaning of courage, loyalty, and honor as well as the life-changing truth that our actions -- good or bad -- affect others on the ways we cannot always foresee.


Mystery Nights!

 Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday night we watched a Poirot! It was so good! How Agatha Christie came up with all these marvelous stories I don't know. The Poirot episode was called Peril At the End House. It was so funny because after we were half way through the episode it said to be continued. We all screamed because we didn't have another disk. Suddenly it started the next part. :P On Thursday night we first watched The Abyss! It was so good, I loved it! The only bad thing about this movie is that it had an excessive amount of cussing. You would want to watch it with a thing that cuts out all cussing. Usually I'm not really much of a Sci-Fi person, but this movie didn't make it strange in a bad way. After that we watched an Alfred Hitchcock movie called Rear Window. There are several things in this movie that are not good. First of all it had this ballerina with her inappropriate dressing apparel and her dancing around. Also she had nothing to do with the movie and they insisted on continuously showing her. Also the main characters in it, Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly, are through the entire movie kissing. Although the end was so attention grabbing that it almost made up for everything else. The end literally has you on the end of your seat. It was so suspenseful! Over all though this is not a good movie.


God's Marvelous World!

 Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well I thought I would share some awesome photos of the world God has made! God is amazing! The things He has done for us! I am awe struck! :) I'm not sure when but we are going to start a class and the videos are going to be The Way of the Master. I can't wait! It's going to show you how to evangelize. We really need to start evangelizing! Especially in a world that will kill their own babies!


Summer Fun Is Here At Last

 Saturday, June 5, 2010

I'm not joking when I tell you that all I've been doing is swimming. Because I happen to be one of the whitest people my mom has been covering me in sun screen. Surprisingly I do think I'm getting not as white. :P All I do is usually burn! It's funny though because my brother is already getting a tan! Ugh! Although his hair is starting to have a greenish tint to it. lol Unfortunately I know I'm going to have green hair by the end of the summer. A couple days ago I had so much fun with my friends! One of my friends picked me up and then we went to their house for about an hour. After we left their house all the kids in the car were talking and laughing. It was a lot of fun! After all that the guys went and did something while the girls and I played croquet and died of how hot it was. lol Once all of that was over and everyone was done eating our friends took us home. They were so funny in the car! They were coming up with holloween pranks to do. They have an imagination. lol Anyway I'm just so glad that summer fun is here at last!


Sucked In!

 Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I have been getting sucked into books and shows! When I was reading The Count of Monte Cristo the other day I was so sucked in that I could have acted it out with the tears and all! It was the part where Mercedes was pleading with the Count. I felt like I could feel her anguish! I'm not really over exaggerating what I felt. lol :P I guess that is what happens to true bookworms. ;) Anyway I love getting that into it! If only I could get that into my math. :P I've been watching a lot of Star Trek: Next Generations and here recently they are really sad ones. The other day I was watching one about the Borg. This Borg was all alone and when he came on the Enterprise, he came out of being brain washed. The Borgs are humans that get taken over and become, basically, walking computers. Once you become a Borg there is no way that you can become human again, because of all the circuits in your body. It was so sad because for all this time you hate the Borgs because they kill people and they aren't really people anymore. Once you saw this Borg become more human you felt sry for him. In the end he went back to the Borg ship because he didn't want his new-found friends to be taken over. Well I think I got way too into that one. lol For the past week I haven't really had anyone to talk to. My brother had something that took away his voice. He didn't fully recover his voice until yesterday. So I didn't really get to have a buddy for a couple of days. Although I did get to play with him some. He doesn't have the best immune system. Although he is constantly bouncing off the walls with energy. During these days of him losing his voice I was able to talk to someone...God. :) You can never be lonely with Him! :D


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