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Polyvore- Fashion Tides

 Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Learning from God - 10 - The Vine

This is something I learned from the Lord on the retreat.

John 15:1-8

One of the youth pastors preached on how we are the branches and God is the vine. Since none of us had ever been raised where there is a vineyard he used a tree instead. The pastor told us that if you're an apple tree you cannot produce oranges. We need to examine ourselves and see what fruit we are bearing. The pastor explained that a tree has it's season where it bears fruit and if you don't feel like you are bearing a lot of fruit that doesn't mean you are not a Christian, but that you are the tree during the winter.  During the winter the tree may look bare but it's roots are growing. So when the time does come for it to bear fruit it will be ready. The Lord is pruning me daily and this truly spoke to me. So if you know that you are a true Christian but you aren't bearing a lot of fruit then maybe God is pruning you. :)

Romans 1:13
Paul was hindered from coming to them because God was building fruit in him.
Romans 6:22


Church Youth Retreat!!

 Monday, June 20, 2011

Wow! So I'm going to go in order, kind of. ;) For the first time in my whole life I was away from my parents for more than just one day! I saw them the day I left and did not see them till four days later! As expected I did get home sick... On the first day, when dinner was being served, my brother came very closely to passing out(basically passing out)! When I tried to talk to him there was such a blank look on his face, completely unresponsive, and was extremely white! Not the best way to start out a fun filled week. :P Of course, since my mom wasn't around and I was in 'control', I cried my eyes out! Once I started crying I couldn't stop! Although he got better, after eating more than any of them had ever seen someone eat, he took it easy. The adults were so nice to him! Shockingly they even went to the store and bought him bananas and things like that so he can eat between meals. After having such a shock over my brother I didn't start to enjoy myself till the following evening. We had church three times a day! :D In the morning it was a devotional from other pastors, afternoon was a testimony, and evening was an actual sermon from the book of Ruth. Avidly enjoying every minute of it! Learning so much about the Word of God was amazing! I took tons of notes! :) At times you could almost feel the spiritual battle! Our building, in which we were having church, was struck by lightning, the field was struck by lightning, the worship team had continuous electrical problems, and so on...but we continued to praise and worship God!  Also part of what we did were games!! We had a flour war, which was totally fun, and you would go around throwing flour on people! When everyone was tired one of the adults decided to try to get us to continue to throw flour by telling the girls that the guys said they should stay in the kitchen and make something with that flour...it was on! lol  I had a blast! As everyone had finished throwing flour on each other, I had managed to stay away from getting a lot of flour on me...when all of the sudden one of the adults pours flour on my head!!! Yeah.... lol Other than that we also had a bonfire every night and one night had a 'dancing battle'! Since I cannot dance I just watched. They kept us so active! I'm surprised I didn't lose any weight, but I do think I gained some muscle! Another thing we had a was high ropes! One of my fears is heights! Although I went through the entire course, shaking like a leaf, and am glad that I conquered my fears. :) Actually a lot of the girls didn't do it. Last thing I shall tell you :( : Over and over again people would ask my brother and I if we were dating...it was a bit awkward.. :P Basically everyone that didn't know us pretty well thought we were together. Also they thought he was older than me! Ugh *rolls eyes* This was a great experience for us and we were able to get closer to our new church family!  Tremendously blessed to be able to go on the retreat and hopefully I'll be going next year! :D

Picture time!!!

At first I didn't want to play Volleyball...but then I did... and it was so much fun! As usual. ;)

This slide was too much fun!

                                               BLOB TIME!!!!                         (Not my pic)

My cabin!

Growing in the Lord! :D



 Thursday, June 9, 2011

Recently I have been reading other people's blogs and I have noticed that they usually have at least one post dedicated to what  modesty/femininity is.  Since I don't have anything like that on this blog I thought I would give it a go. ;)

My belief is that it is okay for me to wear jeans, shorts, and shorter shorts(Not too short, they do have to reach further than a certain point.) I strive to be a Godly young woman and am always asking my mom whether something is immodest. Usually she replies "ask your dad" who says "no" and then she says "go change." lol Although I believe that you should always ask yourself would God be pleased to see you wear that. If I feel convicted about something I'm wearing that doesn't mean everyone else does too, but that I should stick to what God is telling me. Occasionally I can be judge mental and think someone is wearing something too short or too low cut but I have to get passed that and remember this is between them and God, even if what they are wearing is bad. God continuously shows mercy and undying love towards us, the least I can do is be kind to someone else.

Femininity...I suppose I could honestly say I never think about, in this particular way. So this is a little off-hand. ;) Where I used to live I'm pretty sure people knew me as the crazy red-head. lol Even though I grew out of acting like a total tom-boy I believe people still had the inclination to think me as that. Soon people here will probably think of me as very competitive and not very lady like when I start playing sports with them. My mother believes that I'm too girly, other than when I'm playing games. ;) Especially if I'm really into it, which means that I'm diving for the ball and am sweaty and my face is beat red. lol Lately I read on someone's blog that you should let the guys carry something, that you could carry, just so you wouldn't be thought of as masculine. :P I'm sry but that is and never will be me. I have a thing of not letting guys do things for me. I love being independent. Although sometimes I let them do the heavy duty stuff, if I'm being lazy. lol Don't get me wrong it is nice to be thought of as feminine and treated as such. Although to me I think you should just be yourself and not think about whether the guys think you are too strong or not.


Get in Shape!

 Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Instead of trying to lose weight, as I have done in the past, I'm just trying to get in shape this time! Have more stamina! As of last week I have been going out every morning and walking/jogging. Sometimes I do a mile and a half or just a mile! Delightfully I am getting in shape, although not that 'in' shape. ;) Every time I go out jogging it gets easier on me and I don't breathe nearly so hard! lol Also to my greatest surprise I'm not tired throughout the day, even though I'm exercising in the morning. The reason for my determination to get in shape is because I will be going on a church youth retreat this summer! :D I can't wait! Since we will be doing a lot of things, at the retreat, and not getting a lot of rest I thought jogging would be perfect to help me out. When I'm there I want to be able to enjoy myself and not feel like I need to sit out because all I'm used to doing is reading. lol ;) Anyway I hopefully will continue to go out jogging even after the retreat! :D Time for me to go get in shape! :D



 Sunday, June 5, 2011

Well since I could not think of anything to post about I thought I would tell you my heritage. :)

Here is the list of countries I'm from:
-Greece (I'm twenty five percent Greek on my dad's side)
-Scotland (We believe our eighteenth great grandfather is William Wallace. Seen the movie Brave Heart?)
-Germany (The good side :))
-France (Maybe..I hope so. ;))
-Indian (I think I had a great great great grandmother that was)

Comment below and tell me your heritage! :D


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