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Other Events on Vacation Pt. 3

 Saturday, August 21, 2010

Third and final post about my vacation! This is about some other events we did before we arrived at my Uncle and Aunt’s house and after. First of all we went and saw the Blue Angels!!! We actually didn’t stay around to watch them but we did get to see some really cool tricks that the planes did. It was really neat, but the only thing that I didn’t like was the slowness of everything. It would take a really long time till the next thing would come. Also if you plan to go and see them make sure you are wearing sun screen! I didn’t and I was so burnt after it. The entire trip my brother and I had the worst pain on our shoulders and necks. Despite that I had an enjoyable time. Once we had left my relatives house we went to the Sand Dunes. They were gigantic! It was beautiful!! Definitely worth checking out! My brother had so much fun there! I do have to warn you that you will be exhausted by the time you are done walking around there. I think that is the case because the sand slows your speed and makes it harder to walk. People actually brought sleds with them so that they could go down the dunes. Lol That night we went to a Cubs baseball game! I have been to a game once before but it was not at night. It was really cool! Unfortunately the Cubs lost. :P The funniest thing happened while we were trying to get there! We asked this guy how to get the Wrigley Field and he said we could follow him there because he works in parking. So once we got there we started to follow him down this alley. We were all getting a little frightened because the alley was too small to turn back. Anyway we hear him talking to this guy and he said “I have a customer for you.” We about died! Scarily we thought they were talking about drugs or something like that! Also it didn’t help our nerves when we saw the little lot they had and that there were no other cars in it. Once we parked our car and such we were walking and we asked this lady if that was a safe place for us to put our car and she said yes. They owned a business and would let them borrow the parking place so they could make money. We did feel better after we had talked to them and knew that they weren’t actually doing something that was illegal. Later my mom was talking to me and said, “I wouldn’t have followed him if he didn’t look so nerdy.” Lol Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about my vacation.


In Michigan Pt. 2

 Thursday, August 19, 2010

Second post about our vacation! :D Once we did stuff in Chicago, which you will be reading about in the next post, we went to our Uncle and Aunt S’s house. When we first arrived there we were able to relax and be lazy. Lol The next day though we were ready to do stuff. First we went to Lake Michigan!!! It was so beautiful! It looked like the ocean. I was so shocked when I saw the massive waves! When we first arrived at the beach we were all just looking around and suddenly my Uncle S went into the water fully dressed! Once he went in my father followed! Lol We were first going to go to the shops and stuff, then go to the beach. They just couldn’t wait. :) My mom and Aunt S just continued to walk across the beach. After walking across the beach we made it to the pier where we went to the furthest point. Suddenly though my dad and Uncle S were behind us. I don’t know how they caught up. Anyway my Uncle S was on the edge of the pier and was about to take a picture of us when this massive wave, at least twenty feet high, rushed over him! It even got us who were quite a distance away! Surprisingly my Uncle did not move an inch, all the while my Aunt got the brunt force of it and was thrown to her knees! Fortunately no one was cast in to the water! When we were on our way back we couldn’t help but tell people about it, especially the ones that were bringing their babies! Once we got back to the house we were able to meet relatives that we hadn’t seen before! The next day is when we were able to go shopping! It was great because I was able to get some really cool postcards while my brother was able to get a Light House that you can actually put a candle in! When were done shopping we were on our way back to Chicago! It was great getting to know them!!! Next post will tell more!


Vacation to Chicago and Michigan! Pt.1

Hey everyone! I’m finally back from vacation!!! In the next few blog posts I will be telling you about it. :D This blog post is going to be about getting to our first destination and such. The first part of our vacation entailed massive amount of driving!!! Ahhh! The pain! We passed so many trains and windmills! If you don’t know I love trains! When we were passing the windmills I was a little shocked on how long we just saw rows and rows of them! It was really cool! After the extensive amount of driving we stayed the night at my Aunt C’s house. She has traveled all seven continents and climbed six different mountains, including Mt. Everest! It was so great to be able to look through her photo albums. I especially enjoyed the album that she made from journeying to Africa. Also we watched a video of her sky diving and things like that. It was really neat to see what she had done. Who else was there? My grandfather along with my Aunt C’s best friend. My grandfather is 87(I think) and he hasn’t really aged since he was seventy. B, my aunt’s friend, is a retired French teacher and has been helping me learn my French. I’m so thankful for her help! It was great being able to go on a walk with her! Something I haven’t told you about these three is that they are all 100% Greek, which makes me 25%! :D Sry I forgot to tell you where we were. Near Chicago is where we were!!! :D lol I love Chicago! Unfortunately we had to leave my Aunt C’s the next morning! Since Chicago has a Greek town we decided to visit it. To my surprise it was just a bunch of restaurants. Although it was fun to ask some random person where something is and that person respond in a very strong Greek accent. Lol When we were in that part of town we went and got something to eat at Greek Isles. Once you were in the restaurant you were surmirsed into a Greek culture. What was the funniest part of going there was watching the people next to us. There was a table of guys in between the ages of 17 to twenty and they were hilarious! They were speaking in English but you couldn’t tell what they were saying because of their accent. Also they were yelling, slamming their fist, and laughing. Don’t worry they weren’t angry at all! Their body language was so profound in everything they did. My entire family would be looking at them except me, but I extremely wanted to! Lol I thought it would be less obvious if not all of us were looking. My dad is 50% Greek and my mother is 0%, for years now we always thought that my mom looked Greek and not my dad, so we asked. First we asked my great grandfather who said my mom definitely looked more Greek than my dad. Also we asked the waiter who concurred. That was an experience! I will be posting the rest of the trip in other blog posts! Hopefully you enjoyed hearing about the first part of our vacation!


Clash of the Titans

 Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A couple of days ago my family and I watched Clash of the Titans. Do I recommend this movie? No. This movie had so much about the gods that it was, at times, quite discomforting to watch. I thought it wouldn't be too bad because as we all know it's fake, but they went in such detail that you couldn't really count it as just a review of Greek mythology. Also the evil people in this movie were extremely evil! The look of them and what they said would give you shivers. I have to say though that this movie wasn't entirely bad. Still even the good in it was not enough to take away the down side of it. My mom was telling me that the old version of Clash of the Titans is much better. Hopefully soon I'll be able to watch it. :)


The Importance of Being Earnest!

 Saturday, August 7, 2010

A lot of my friends decided to do a play before school started back up. They decided to do the play "The Importance of Being Earnest." Amazingly they accomplished this in little over than a month! I loved it! Almost throughout the entire thing I had to stifle my laughs because I was afraid I would make them mess-up. :P They did great acting! Unfortunately my family did not come with me and won't be able to watch it. :/ Now that I have seen the play I want to be able to watch the movie(if there is one.) Although I'm not going to be in a play this year I really hope to be able to do one in the very near future! lol I just checked it there was a movie and I watched the trailer. Unfortunately it doesn't look good, but the play is really good. Btw if you are wanting to do a play this is a great play that you should do. :) With plays you can always take things out that you don't want.


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