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Vacation to Chicago and Michigan! Pt.1

 Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hey everyone! I’m finally back from vacation!!! In the next few blog posts I will be telling you about it. :D This blog post is going to be about getting to our first destination and such. The first part of our vacation entailed massive amount of driving!!! Ahhh! The pain! We passed so many trains and windmills! If you don’t know I love trains! When we were passing the windmills I was a little shocked on how long we just saw rows and rows of them! It was really cool! After the extensive amount of driving we stayed the night at my Aunt C’s house. She has traveled all seven continents and climbed six different mountains, including Mt. Everest! It was so great to be able to look through her photo albums. I especially enjoyed the album that she made from journeying to Africa. Also we watched a video of her sky diving and things like that. It was really neat to see what she had done. Who else was there? My grandfather along with my Aunt C’s best friend. My grandfather is 87(I think) and he hasn’t really aged since he was seventy. B, my aunt’s friend, is a retired French teacher and has been helping me learn my French. I’m so thankful for her help! It was great being able to go on a walk with her! Something I haven’t told you about these three is that they are all 100% Greek, which makes me 25%! :D Sry I forgot to tell you where we were. Near Chicago is where we were!!! :D lol I love Chicago! Unfortunately we had to leave my Aunt C’s the next morning! Since Chicago has a Greek town we decided to visit it. To my surprise it was just a bunch of restaurants. Although it was fun to ask some random person where something is and that person respond in a very strong Greek accent. Lol When we were in that part of town we went and got something to eat at Greek Isles. Once you were in the restaurant you were surmirsed into a Greek culture. What was the funniest part of going there was watching the people next to us. There was a table of guys in between the ages of 17 to twenty and they were hilarious! They were speaking in English but you couldn’t tell what they were saying because of their accent. Also they were yelling, slamming their fist, and laughing. Don’t worry they weren’t angry at all! Their body language was so profound in everything they did. My entire family would be looking at them except me, but I extremely wanted to! Lol I thought it would be less obvious if not all of us were looking. My dad is 50% Greek and my mother is 0%, for years now we always thought that my mom looked Greek and not my dad, so we asked. First we asked my great grandfather who said my mom definitely looked more Greek than my dad. Also we asked the waiter who concurred. That was an experience! I will be posting the rest of the trip in other blog posts! Hopefully you enjoyed hearing about the first part of our vacation!


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