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Other Events on Vacation Pt. 3

 Saturday, August 21, 2010

Third and final post about my vacation! This is about some other events we did before we arrived at my Uncle and Aunt’s house and after. First of all we went and saw the Blue Angels!!! We actually didn’t stay around to watch them but we did get to see some really cool tricks that the planes did. It was really neat, but the only thing that I didn’t like was the slowness of everything. It would take a really long time till the next thing would come. Also if you plan to go and see them make sure you are wearing sun screen! I didn’t and I was so burnt after it. The entire trip my brother and I had the worst pain on our shoulders and necks. Despite that I had an enjoyable time. Once we had left my relatives house we went to the Sand Dunes. They were gigantic! It was beautiful!! Definitely worth checking out! My brother had so much fun there! I do have to warn you that you will be exhausted by the time you are done walking around there. I think that is the case because the sand slows your speed and makes it harder to walk. People actually brought sleds with them so that they could go down the dunes. Lol That night we went to a Cubs baseball game! I have been to a game once before but it was not at night. It was really cool! Unfortunately the Cubs lost. :P The funniest thing happened while we were trying to get there! We asked this guy how to get the Wrigley Field and he said we could follow him there because he works in parking. So once we got there we started to follow him down this alley. We were all getting a little frightened because the alley was too small to turn back. Anyway we hear him talking to this guy and he said “I have a customer for you.” We about died! Scarily we thought they were talking about drugs or something like that! Also it didn’t help our nerves when we saw the little lot they had and that there were no other cars in it. Once we parked our car and such we were walking and we asked this lady if that was a safe place for us to put our car and she said yes. They owned a business and would let them borrow the parking place so they could make money. We did feel better after we had talked to them and knew that they weren’t actually doing something that was illegal. Later my mom was talking to me and said, “I wouldn’t have followed him if he didn’t look so nerdy.” Lol Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about my vacation.


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