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In Michigan Pt. 2

 Thursday, August 19, 2010

Second post about our vacation! :D Once we did stuff in Chicago, which you will be reading about in the next post, we went to our Uncle and Aunt S’s house. When we first arrived there we were able to relax and be lazy. Lol The next day though we were ready to do stuff. First we went to Lake Michigan!!! It was so beautiful! It looked like the ocean. I was so shocked when I saw the massive waves! When we first arrived at the beach we were all just looking around and suddenly my Uncle S went into the water fully dressed! Once he went in my father followed! Lol We were first going to go to the shops and stuff, then go to the beach. They just couldn’t wait. :) My mom and Aunt S just continued to walk across the beach. After walking across the beach we made it to the pier where we went to the furthest point. Suddenly though my dad and Uncle S were behind us. I don’t know how they caught up. Anyway my Uncle S was on the edge of the pier and was about to take a picture of us when this massive wave, at least twenty feet high, rushed over him! It even got us who were quite a distance away! Surprisingly my Uncle did not move an inch, all the while my Aunt got the brunt force of it and was thrown to her knees! Fortunately no one was cast in to the water! When we were on our way back we couldn’t help but tell people about it, especially the ones that were bringing their babies! Once we got back to the house we were able to meet relatives that we hadn’t seen before! The next day is when we were able to go shopping! It was great because I was able to get some really cool postcards while my brother was able to get a Light House that you can actually put a candle in! When were done shopping we were on our way back to Chicago! It was great getting to know them!!! Next post will tell more!


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