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Two Girls, One Week

 Monday, June 25, 2012

My friend flew in to see me! I had an amazing time and am so blessed by the friendship! Hope you enjoy these photos and are having your own wonderful summer memories!

My friend Hannah! This is after she got off the airplane. :)

       All of us girls together. The girl in the middle came in to be with the two girls on the right. We all met up at the airport.

My pastor says this all the time! I had to get a picture of this. :)

Pretty fountain!

Glam girls. ;) hehe. I was really looking forward to getting some great pics together and I think we accomplished that. :)

Oh, yeah. ;)

This was Hannah's first time swimming in the ocean! We had to make a special trip for that!

We all meant back up.!

We buried her alive! ;)

She thought she looked like a turtle in this pic.

The smoulder...

Very large elevator doors!

At the museum!

"May I steal this dance?"

The entire trip was a blast! From taking her to see our church and meet my friends, to the beach,  archery, sight seeing, MALL SHOPPING, touring a college(I'm making her go to college here), but most of all being with each other. I love her like a sister! Honestly when she left I was like, "Where is my other sibling?" It was great being able to experience what it is like to have a sister. i shall always cherish our friendship and never forget the way God made it all work out. No broken bones and no missed flights! :D God bless and I hope you have your own friend in Christ!


"The Three Musketeers"

 Thursday, June 21, 2012

      Well, I have to say that I am so glad that I decided not to have my brother watch this movie with us. *shakes head* This movie was not very good. Enjoyable, to a certain degree, but not in the least recommendable. There was so much "stuff" in it that I was repulsed. So much of it was just added in the movie to take up time. Cleavage, skimpy dresses, and passionate kissing make this movie not worth seeing. Especially with guys. Did I find this movie funny? Yes, actually I couldn't help but laugh at times! If you are a girl and you want to see this movie it won't scar you for life. If you get my meaning? The reason I'm "against" this movie is because I was extremely disappointed
    Anyway... lol Sry there isn't an "actual" review. I wrote one but it wasn't worth reading. :P So, I will get that post written about the week with my friend... Eventually. lol God bless and have a wonderful week!


"Journey 2: The Mysterious Island"

 Tuesday, June 19, 2012

        My friend, Hannah, flew in from my old home town and stayed with me for a week! We had an utter blast! I shall have a post about it. Anyway during her trip we watched "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" and I was pleasantly surprised! The first Journey movie I hated when I watched it, but 10 times later I learned to love it! Strange I know! With this movie though I enjoyed it all the way through. Unfortunately though the movie was a little too fast paced and the main girl was dressed in a tank, which showed quite a bit of cleavage. Only one scene really drew attention to that but for the rest of the movie it wasn't a big deal. I wasn't uncomfortable with my brother watching the movie.
     Now "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" shows Sean as a teenager and dealing with a new stepfather. Sean doesn't take very well to Hank, his stepfather, and clearly shows his distaste. Wanting to bond with Sean, Hank allows him to travel to a foreign land. With him that is. Why? Sean believes that his grandfather sent him a coded message to him saying he found the Mysterious Island.... Jules Verne was right and the adventure takes off... Sketchy helicopters, hurricanes, small is big and big is small, and many other elements spin a 'mysterious' tale.
     My friend and I were laughing so hard! This movie was incredibly funny! And it takes a lot to make me laugh! I recommend this movie. :) Will it be fantastic? No. This movie is just for fun and doesn't have that much of a story. If you start watching it expecting nothing I'm sure you'll like it. Just don't start expecting it to be great.
       Hope you are having a wonderful summer break and God bless!


The Horror!

 Saturday, June 9, 2012

After my entire life of worrying for this particular day, it finally arrived... The test for the ACT! This morning I woke up at 6:20, which I might add is very early for me, and tried to quench those nerves rising up in me. Putting my hair into a pony tail, getting dressed, and making sure I had everything we started our journey. Before getting there we took a quick pit-stop and got some 7-UP, which we though was caffeinated... It was not. lol We found out after the test. lol Anyway we arrived a a beautiful school, which was very old and antique, and waiting outside the room we thought was our class. Talking and seeing some friends pasted the time and right when everyone was supposed to go in we find out we are at the wrong door! Us and one of our friends weren't taking the essay portion and we were on the floor with that. Running down stairs we arrived at our actual classroom. That helped to calm my nerves. The test began.... The science portion was tricky and surprisingly enough the reading was slightly hard! Can you believe that the reading portion was hard for the reader? Anyway it is true. If the class room had a secret camera and you could see you would notice my entire countenance fill with exhalation! I knew some of the math! lol I was able to do a lot of the problems! Towards the end it became slightly more difficult but I was making it through! :D Anyway I am glad that it is all over and I didn't keel over. ;) I'm so thankful to God that he calmed my trembling hand and helped me through it! Have you taken the ACT? Hope you did well! God bless and have a wonderful week! Btw my friend is flying in to see me this week! :D You will see pictures soon enough! :D


"Wives and Daughters"

 Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Wives and Daughters" BBC movie is lovely. It can't necessarily be called fantastic, wonderful, or inspiring, so I use the term lovely. This version of "Wives and Daughters" is five hours long. Now the rather simple review. ;)
        As a little girl, Molly Gibson, is raised by her widowed father. Years later, after checking up on a patient, Mr. Gibson meets a women to whom he would wish to be the new Mrs. Gibson. Once they are married and settled in his home Mrs. Gibson comes to live with them. All this is a lot for Molly to digest. Although she loves her father dearly and will put up with anything for his sake, even a women who detests a simple thing like cheese. After a little bit of time Molly meets her new stepsister. Surprisingly she finds that she truly does like her new stepsister, Cynthia. With flirtatious behavior and good looks throws many men in Cynthia's path. Will she be the right kind of influence on Molly? Spending time with Hamleys brings new acquaintances and Molly finds herself in the company of Roger and Osborne Hamley. Osborne is the first born and is known for his looks and smarts. Roger on the other hand was more passed by but has a love for science. Molly comes to love one of these young men. Sadly though the man she loves professes love for her beautiful stepsister. Bearing all this with the utmost dignity she harbors no resentment to her stepsister. Then a Mr. Preston arrives and claims that Cynthia has promised to marry him! With all kindness Molly takes it upon herself to help Cynthia out and finds herself now at the end of gossip. Will her reputation be ruined? Will the man she truly loves come to his senses?! Is Cynthia someone with far too flighty feelings? Through and through Molly will always be Molly. :)
       Honestly I have to tell you that at times I was extremely bored. This is not a fast paced movie and takes a long time for things to come about. Despite that the ending made up for everything! Loved! I'm not joking I was acting like a little girl bouncing in my chair. hehe. Anyway I would have liked to see them at least hug in the end. I was like "What?" lol Do I suggest this movie?.... Well I suggest it to be people who are quite used to watching very long movies. Also you have to be rather a sentimental romantic. ;) Honestly I didn't know I belonged to that class, at least entirely, until watching "Wives and Daughters". lol I love reading romantic books and watching these kind of movies.
God bless and have a wonderful week!

Molly Gibson!

The Wife, top right, and the daughters! Cynthia, left, and Molly, right.

Roger and Molly. Love this picture! Little science buddies!


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