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The Horror!

 Saturday, June 9, 2012

After my entire life of worrying for this particular day, it finally arrived... The test for the ACT! This morning I woke up at 6:20, which I might add is very early for me, and tried to quench those nerves rising up in me. Putting my hair into a pony tail, getting dressed, and making sure I had everything we started our journey. Before getting there we took a quick pit-stop and got some 7-UP, which we though was caffeinated... It was not. lol We found out after the test. lol Anyway we arrived a a beautiful school, which was very old and antique, and waiting outside the room we thought was our class. Talking and seeing some friends pasted the time and right when everyone was supposed to go in we find out we are at the wrong door! Us and one of our friends weren't taking the essay portion and we were on the floor with that. Running down stairs we arrived at our actual classroom. That helped to calm my nerves. The test began.... The science portion was tricky and surprisingly enough the reading was slightly hard! Can you believe that the reading portion was hard for the reader? Anyway it is true. If the class room had a secret camera and you could see you would notice my entire countenance fill with exhalation! I knew some of the math! lol I was able to do a lot of the problems! Towards the end it became slightly more difficult but I was making it through! :D Anyway I am glad that it is all over and I didn't keel over. ;) I'm so thankful to God that he calmed my trembling hand and helped me through it! Have you taken the ACT? Hope you did well! God bless and have a wonderful week! Btw my friend is flying in to see me this week! :D You will see pictures soon enough! :D


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