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Learning from God - 10 - The Vine

 Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This is something I learned from the Lord on the retreat.

John 15:1-8

One of the youth pastors preached on how we are the branches and God is the vine. Since none of us had ever been raised where there is a vineyard he used a tree instead. The pastor told us that if you're an apple tree you cannot produce oranges. We need to examine ourselves and see what fruit we are bearing. The pastor explained that a tree has it's season where it bears fruit and if you don't feel like you are bearing a lot of fruit that doesn't mean you are not a Christian, but that you are the tree during the winter.  During the winter the tree may look bare but it's roots are growing. So when the time does come for it to bear fruit it will be ready. The Lord is pruning me daily and this truly spoke to me. So if you know that you are a true Christian but you aren't bearing a lot of fruit then maybe God is pruning you. :)

Romans 1:13
Paul was hindered from coming to them because God was building fruit in him.
Romans 6:22


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