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The Karate Kid

 Friday, June 18, 2010

Eeek!!! The movie was great! I loved how they had a ton of action scenes! If you have watched the old one you will continuously have flash backs. Although the movie was a lot like the old one they did do quite a bit of their own stuff. Jaden Smith(the main character) was great! He's a really good actor! Some of the facial expressions remind me of his dad, it's funny. The movie did have a story line, which a lot of times the story is lost in the action, but in this they had a good balance. My dad pointed out to me that one of the only things they did to learn a kungfu move was taking, dropping, and putting on his jacket. I would have liked to see them do more of these things that you wouldn't think had anything to do with kungfu and make it kungfu. Like the old one. Also you probably noticed how I said kungfu and not karate. That's because in the movie he learns kungfu. In the movie I like how the mom is talking to her son and she says "you want to learn karate?" he's says he wants to learn kungfu and the mom is like it's the same thing. lol I just have to say again how great the action scenes were! Every time some one got punched and kicked it would make this sound that would freak you out every time. I literally jumped in my seat a few times. :P Unfortunately on to the negative elements: the movie had several curse words(not too many) and they had this one part where the girl dances. The dancing was inappropriate. Also they had this one part where Jay and her kiss. It wasn't long and it wasn't anything too bad. Overall the movie is really good and I so hope they come out with a second one!


Christie June 18, 2010 at 11:32 AM  

I know!!! It was an AMAZING movie!!! Jaden Smith is his dad's clone. CREEPY!!!...creepy cool!

Bookworm June 19, 2010 at 2:29 PM  

I like the old one perhaps better though.

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