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Captives of the Written Word

 Sunday, June 13, 2010

We finished The Count of Monte Cristo! I'm not going to talk much about the book because I have talked about it so much that I'm getting tired of it. So all I have to say is that it's very good! You will love the book and hate the ending. :P Anyway when our book club came together to watch the movie I believe they really enjoyed it. The book and the movie are almost two different things. They weren't bored. I on the other hand was watching it for the fifth time. Although somehow I still enjoyed it. Also we decided on the next book we are going to be reading. The Black Arrow! It's during the time period of Robin Hood. Here is what my friend told me about it,

Set in the 1400s during the War of the Two Roses, when the houses of Lancaster and York vied for the throne of England, this book tells of the adventures of young Master Richard Shelton as he attempts to outwit the treacherous knight who killed his father and to rescue the fair Joanna Sedley. Through his exploits and occasional blunders, Richard learns the meaning of courage, loyalty, and honor as well as the life-changing truth that our actions -- good or bad -- affect others on the ways we cannot always foresee.


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