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"To Kill a Mockingbird"

 Friday, October 8, 2010

Another review! :D lol Anyway this book is very well written. It puts you in the book, as if you were in a daze. Although some parts were dull, but it didn't feel as if you were literally straining to keep reading. Also this book did have the case, of which To Kill a Mockingbird is most known for, but surprisingly it was not totally centered around that. Mostly it was about their childhood and the Radley place. The case finally came in to play around 220 pages through it. Before the case started it had quite a bit of how Jem and Scout had to cope with the things people said and the hateful words toward their father. Also To Kill a Mockingbird had a character that the movie did not include, Dill, who was very much apart of the story. After reading this book I wondered how the children could stand living in that town after they knew the true content of these people's hearts. Now that I made that sound so cool I have to inform you of some downers. The cursing was ever so often but sometimes the words were up there on the list of extreme ones. Twice it took God's name in vain in a very bad way, not the normal one that you unfortunately are exposed to quite often. Other than the cursing and saying the bad word for African American's, way too often, this book didn't have any other disagreeable stuff. I would recommend this book and also I wouldn't really enforce people to read it. I enjoyed this book, although I know people like more of suspense and drama than this offers.


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