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Post Cards from Pullman

 Thursday, September 16, 2010

In the Company Secrets

I love this series! Something funny I did was that I started the second book first! :P After I finished the second one I started the first one. The book In the Company of Secrets is great! This book shows love and the consequences of sin. Actually it helped me. In this book Olivia, the main character, lies an innumerable amount and it showed me my own fault in this matter. What I lie about is to give someone a compliment. Now I know there is a difference between discretion and flat out lying. Here is an example: a person might ask do you like my shoes, and you don’t like them at all, and you say yes. I call that discretion. Although when you notice a person with new shoes and you say you like them without being asked, I would probably call that a lie. In matters consistent with that is what I do. Back to the book! Also I love how this book shows versus from the Bible and had good Christian morals. Unfortunately the second book, Whispers Along the Rails, lacks in that. This book, unlike the second and third one, is from one person’s point of view.

Whispers Along the Rails

Book two in this series greatly added to you knowledge of the characters. Also this book gave you the perspective of three different people. I absolutely loved reading this book! Unfortunately it did have dry spells and some other stuff I didn’t like. Once of the things I didn’t like was how Fred and Ellen would kiss, it was no because they loved each other, but to make it look like he wasn’t caught up in a unionization movement. By the way it didn’t have as much Christian things in it, how the first one did. Although it has these downers it was still a great book to read. Between the first and second book I’m not quite sure I can make up my mind to which is the better. Now for the positive elements! Whispers Along the Rails is suspenseful! Also it had more about what was going on, politically wise, in Pullman. If you want to try new recipes then you can look at the back of each book and they have a lot of recipes.

An Uncertain Dream

The last and final book from the Post Cards from Pullman series! I was very disappointed with this book in certain aspects. Throughout An Uncertain Dream it had tons of interesting facts about the strike, although it was times a bit redundant. Also through the beginning and middle of this book Olivia’s life doesn’t take new turns. Each day of her life seemed the same. My fondness for Olivia and Fred went downhill. Surprisingly the life of Charlotte and Matthew I was most interested in. Their lives, which are intertwined with everyone elses, had a lot more story, true love, kindness for each other, and quite a bit more sincerity to it. Strangely enough the author, Judith Miller, tried to complete the book within fifty pages. The book is three hundred and eighty something pages! Once the book was over you were still left not knowing quite a bit. I don’t like it when they make you use your imagination. :P Although this was not my favorite out of the series does not mean you shouldn’t read it. Another thing to add is that I did not see the sincerity in some characters to be Christians. At times you would wonder if they were just doing it to get with the girl. Please don’t think this book was all bad. I loved certain parts and would still full heartedly recommend this series.

Series- 1 through 10 = 8
Attention keeper- 1 through 10 = 7
Character development- 1 through 10 = 9


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