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The Court Jester

 Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wow, I am quite surprised how long it has been since I have written a movie review.  Since The Court Jester was recommend by a friend I decided to finally watch it. :)  Unfortunately I have to critique a few things such as the dressing apparel being indecent. :(  Especially when I'm trying to watch it with my brother.  Also some 'kissy' parts, although they were not too bad, we fast-forwarded over.  Without those things this movie was really good and funny...perhaps a bit corny! lol ;)  My brother and I were laughing and now have 'more' inside jokes together. The Court Jester takes place during the medieval time period.   In this movie a legion of men under the Black Fox are trying to restore the rightful heir to the throne, who is a baby right now.  When their plan doesn't exactly go their way the baby is out of their hands and is secretly hidden within the palace walls.  Trying to restore the baby to the throne is more of a job than it appears...  I love the main character Danny Kaye, who is simply hysterical! I loved him in White Christmas as well!  Truly this movie is filled with quotes that you could use! lol Here is one of them:

"The vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison, the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true. Or was it the the flagon with the dragon with the pestle with the vessel.?"


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