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Filming Our Own "Hunger Games"

 Monday, April 30, 2012

A friend of mine put together an event to film the "Hunger Games"! My brother and I along with a few other kids were the actors. I was Foxface. ;) It was such a blast and it was great getting to meet a bunch of new friends. :) 

The VERY long walk to our destination. It added to the "sweat" effect. lol

The careers.

Running through the water to get to Katniss. ;)

My brother emptying his shoe of water. lol Take two! ;)

The girl on the right actually fell completely into the water. It was so hot though that everyone dried pretty quickly. ;)

My brother, on the bottom right hand corner, became the art director. lol That's our Peeta lying down.

I think they did a pretty good job!

My friend and I actually stepped on his hand twice. :P

Katniss helping Peeta walk.

Haha. Cato taking out some more prey. ;)

I have this photo for basically the high definition of it. lol I don't know how it turned out that well. 

Cato taking the small bike back. ;) Clove and I.

Getting my package. 

Intense moments.


Another emotional scene.

By the time this photo was taken we were all beat! Basically seven to eight hours of filming!


The not so happy victors. lol

I actually have over 100 photos, but I chose these. Trust me there were a lot of other good ones, but I couldn't have posted them all. Could I? ;)
Surviving the snakes(we were in the woods), ticks, and heat I think we made a pretty good movie. ;) It's not finished yet and we might have to all come together again for another day of filming but I cannot wait! The scene were Cato kills my brother is intense! 
Hope you enjoyed seeing these photos! If you want to see more just comment and tell me and I will be happy to do another post. :)
God bless and have a wonderful week!


A Lovely Week!

 Sunday, April 29, 2012

(Thought you might enjoy this pic of my brother and I. :D)

Hello dear readers!
I have had a lovely week! I just have! It was... chaotic! lol Though it was still enjoyable!

1. I won the the Prompt Story Contest!!! Along with another girl! I was so ecstatic! Honestly I didn't have an inclination whether I was going to win or lose. Though I was leaning towards lose. It was such a blessing and has encouraged me to keep writing!
2. I worked 16 1/2 hrs this week! Meaning money! lol ;) I love my job and was glad I had a lot of hours this week. Although this just added to my already busy week!
3. I went to a "Little Women" play! It was fantastical! It was apart of the same theater group that did "Around the World in 80 Days" that I think I told you about, with a spiritual twist on it. :D I actually shed a tear when Marmee was singing about Beth after she died. It was beautiful!
4. I had my last Chemistry class this week! That is always something to celebrate! All I have left is the final.... Yeah... :P
5. I have two new followers! Thank you so much for following my blog! Now unfortunately you'll have to read my ramblings. ;)
6. I found out that one of my friends from where I used to live will be flying in to see me! :D
7. Today I am going over to a friends house to shoot the "Hunger Games"!! I'll be foxface! lol
8. Btw I lost two pounds! Yay! Running is paying off!

Anyway I just thought you might like to know what I have been up to. lol God bless and I hope you had a lovely week as well! Comment and please tell me about your week!


10 Heroes that Captured Readers Hearts

 Monday, April 23, 2012

Well I'm joining in on Anne-girl's hero of the week! Enjoy!

1. Atticus Finch

Atticus, from To Kill a Mockingbird, is one of my heroes for a lot of reasons. His stubborn will and acting according to his conscience totally play into being a hero. Although he didn't win the case, Atticus did make people think and showed what it meant not to fall into peer pressure. He's not too bad looking either. ;)

2. Ben-Hur

Ben-Hur is fantastic! After years of being torn apart from his family, Judah never gave up hope on his mother and sister. Despite his lust for vengeance, he eventually came out a hero. :)

3. Cyrano de Bergerac 

If you have read the book you will understand why he is one of my fictional heroes. In the end he never got the girl and gave her up so she wouldn't have her heartbroken over another man. Truly tragic and romantic.

4. Poirot
He fights crime! That definitely makes him a hero! Also I just love him!!

5. Sir Percy Blakeney 
Total hero! I think from everyone else's blogs there is enough reasons for him to be my hero that I think you understand why he is. lol  I love how he looks so regal. 

6. Colonel Brandon
I have to say that I am not a real fan of Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility, though I do have to count him among the heroes. He is sensitive, caring, and above all patient!

7. Mr. Matthew Crawley
I'm not just putting him in this list because I love Downton Abbey. lol He's a hero! He was going to marry this one lady just because he didn't want to hurt her, for she loved him desperately. So he puts off his feelings for this other women so that he can be true to his word. 

8. Richard Shelton
(Unfortunately there is not a picture for the guy)
Richard Shelton from The Black Arrow is a hero of mine because he risks his life, countless times, to save the girl. He's brave and is a bit of a ruffian. ;) Another reason he is one of my heroes is because The Black Arrow is a lot like Romeo and Juliet, with monumental differences. For one I hated Romeo and Juliet, though I absolutely LOVE The Black Arrow.  I suggest you read this book. You won't regret it. :)

9. Thomas Hunter
(haha Don't you love this photo?)
Recently I finished the Circle Trilogy, and I'm about to read the 4th book, and Thomas Hunter is a hero. In the last book he would give up everything for this girl he loves! And just nearly does give up everything. Despite the fact that he finds her looks, smell(you'll understand if you read the books), and touch repulsive does not make him see her any less than beautiful. This series is by Ted Dekker. 

10. Henry Tilney
I've been waiting to be a fan-girl and here it is! Henry Tilney! I love him! He's so funny, kind, and honest. What could be better! lol 

Actually it was a little hard for me to come up with all ten. Hope you enjoyed and please leave a comment telling me what you thought about my choices! Am I alone out there with picking these heroes? God bless and have a wonderful week!


Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!!

 Sunday, April 22, 2012

These are mainly nature photos! Hope you enjoy! It has been forever since I have joined in on SHS and I missed it!

1. Yellow

2. Something that makes or made you smile 

I couldn't decide which photo, so here is both. ;) Which one do you like most?

3. Ancient or antique (kind of) ;)

4. Splash

5. In the Sun

God bless and have a lovely Sunday afternoon! 


Blinded by Science!

 Friday, April 20, 2012

(My brother and I next to our project!) 

For my Chemistry class, at a co-op, we had a science fair! Thus blinded by science! ;) More like overwhelmed, but that term will suffice. My brother and I teamed up and decided to show the beginning steps of Alternative Photo-chemistry. In a sense. :P We took sodium chloride and silver nitrate to make a compound of silver chloride. Since silver chloride is light sensitive we exposed it to light causing a second chemical reaction to occur. The sliver chloride decomposed into chloride and sliver. Silver(Ag) is a black flake thus causing our once white compound to now me a grayish color. Ta da! ;) When we showed the judges our compound it actually turned purple... we don't know why... lol Our project was slightly more complicated than what I explained but you get the jest of it. :) Here is some pictures of our board and the class!

We still don't know why it turned purple. lol

1st place science project!

He made his own radio thing!

Me and a girl from Chemistry class. Don't judge my red face I was nervous. lol

They made a hydrogen generator. I was impressed!

Second place winners! 

They're so goofy. :)

Haha! Photo-bombed!

God bless and have a wonderful rest of your week!


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