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"The Help"

 Friday, November 18, 2011

Well "The Help" definitely has it's ups and downs for me. On one hand I love it! It has a terrific story and compelling characters. On the other hand I only really have to complain about is one thing: cursing. Tons of it. Actually this book has more cursing than I have read in any book. I can deal with the roundabout cursing, but when it kept bringing up God's name, in more 'worse' ways, it bothered me. Usually that sort of cursing would really only come up in chapters where it is from Miss Skeeter's perspective.

Now on to a short review on what "The Help" was about.
"The Help" is from the vantage point of three women. Two maids and one lady lately arriving from college. In Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960s, the lines between the help and their employers is "large" and "bold."  For a large part of the book it is about each woman's everyday kind of life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. When Miss Skeeter lands a job answering questions on house cleaning, it leads her one step closer to that line. With different toilets coming in for the help and people's blood boiling over civil rights, will these three women dare to step across that line? Will they come together for a very touchy subject, on what is like to work for a white lady? Will these three women show the people around them that the line that is ever prominent in their daily lives, is only in their head?

I really like this book, but I won't be recommending it due to the amount of cursing. Although that is always up to you but be dully warned that the cursing is rather a lot. :/  Now that I said that I can tell you which character I loved the best. It's hard to say which character I liked the best but whose part I liked to read the best. I think it has to be Minny's. So many interesting and strange things happened in her chapters. Several times I was in suspense at the end of one of Minny's chapters. lol I didn't enjoy Skeeter's too much other than it felt like I was getting juicy gossip.. I know that was a weird way to explain it but it did. lol Aibileen's chapters were alright. Sometimes I would really like her chapters or I would be slightly bored. Nothing too out of the usual happened in those parts. Although I love her sweet nature. I have to tell you that my eyes actually watered in this one part. I don't cry during books just get extremely teary eyed. lol :)
The Lord be with you and have a blessed upcoming Thanksgiving! :D

"Wasn't that the point of the book?  For women to realize, We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I'd thought." - Kathryn Stockett (The Help)


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