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Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!!

 Sunday, August 21, 2011

I wasn't actually planning on doing this today but my brother was urging me on to do it. lol  I love him!

1. Geometry 

2. Brushstrokes

3. Hanging by a Thread

4. Collage

5. On the dotted line


Photoshoot With Chester

 Saturday, August 20, 2011

As I went outside to take some nature photos I was suddenly disappointed by my camera not functioning and everything looking dry and boring. After taking a few pictures of some flowers my brother and I decided to wait until I get my new camera to take pictures. Yes, I am finally getting a new camera. My grandmother had a camera given to her only a year ago, but she never opened it because she already had a camera. So for my Christmas present she will be giving it to me! :) I don't know what kind it is but I'm sure it will be better than the one I have. As my brother and I searched for my dog, Chester, we found him on the porch ready to have pictures taken of him. I assure you we didn't put him in any of these positions, other than whistling for him to look our way. Chester was great though! He's so vain he probably thinks this post is about him... lol Anyway he was meant to be a dog model! lol Enjoy!

                            'Angel'                                                        "If only you knew."

"How you doin'?"  This one is most definitely my fav!


Already an old lazy dog.

Chester is so sly... Do you see his tongue sticking out?

Au revoir!



 Friday, August 19, 2011

Yay! I have finally watched "Thor"! It was amazing!!! At first I didn't have much of a desire to actually go out and see it but I'm so glad I did! I thought it was just going to be a lot of Greek mythology type things and all about Thor being a "god" but to my surprise it was't. Although they were supposed to be "gods" it didn't stress that point. Also this movie is super clean! Yipee! Even though at this one point they had Thor without his shirt on and his pants being quite low it didn't last more than a minute. And they kissed...but it is all so romantic. lol  I looked up this movie on Plugged In and it tells how much cursing it had in it, which is a lot more than I actually heard. I honestly think you have to be listening for the curse words to even be able to hear them. Throughout, basically the entire movie, I was hoping that Thor's brother was going to be good! : '( I really had no idea that he was going to turn against them all... At the end of "Thor" I was so upset that Thor and Jane were cut off from each other... hopefully there will be a second movie! :) "Thor" had a perfect amount of story and action! Going and watching this movie was a perfect way to end summer break and start the school year! :) Yes, I'm totally recommending  this movie! ;) lol God bless and have a wonderful rest of the week!


School is Starting...

 Saturday, August 13, 2011

School will be here very soon! How do you plan to spend the rest of your summer break?
Here is what I hope to/will be doing:

1. Go to the ocean!
2. Have more awesome memories with friends
3. Finish reading The Picture of Dorian Gray
4. Sleep in!
5. Play volleyball with my mom
6. Continue to play football with my brother
7. Avoid even thinking about school... lol
8. Have a movie night with friends... Do you have any suggestions for a movie we should watch?
9. Get my permit!.. I know I'm pretty old to still not have it. :P
10. Just enjoy the time I have left. :)

Don't forget to comment and tell me some stuff you plan on doing before school starts! Have a wonderful rest of the week and God bless! :D


What Makes Fall Simply Irresistible!

 Friday, August 5, 2011

(Not my picture)

I feel so bad for not posting, in what seems like forever! Don't worry I have still been reading your blogs though! :) As of right now I am completely inpatient for fall to arrive!!! Fall just happens to be the best time of the year!!! Where I have moved to doesn't have the winters that I am used to, from living more north of here, and am told that we will still have snow but it is more of a "fallish" temperature through both seasons!! Yipee! ha ha I adore fall! It's the most beautiful time of the year. And I have more clothes to go with that season. lol I can't help buying clothes that are fit for that season... even if I don't need them... lol So as my anticipation grows I would like to know what your favorite season and some reasons why. :) God bless and have a wonderful rest of the week!


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