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"The Screwtape Letters"

 Sunday, October 16, 2011

The only reason I started reading this book was because I was going to join a book club. Unfortunately I haven't even been to one meeting yet...and I finished the book. lol Wonder what their next book will be? ;)
Anyway I really enjoyed "Screwtape Letters," which was written by C.S. Lewis.  When I had finished reading this book my mother asked me if I felt convicted about anything, because this book discusses various ways in which a person can be tempted. Honestly I didn't feel really any conviction though it did help me think of things to watch out for and to check myself on. This book, I believe, is more for an older genre of people, in their twenties. The reason why is because it discusses dating and the like, which I am not even thinking about at my age. Also I think guys would be able to relate more because the "patient" is male.
Now for what the book is actually about. :)
Wormwood is a demon in training and Screwtape is his mentor. The "patient" is a guy who Wormwood is in charge of. Since it is from the perspective of demons there may be some confusion when they capitalize certain words about satan and calling God the "enemy." Fortunately these things didn't create much of a distraction for me. Every chapter has different instructions or "lessons" that Screwtape gives to Wormwood. After awhile of reading this book you will notice that Wormwood isn't very efficient at his job. ;)
So after all that I do indeed recommend this book! :) My advice is to take your time reading it!
God bless and have a wonderful rest of the week!

"It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out."
-C.S. Lewis (Screwtape Letters)


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