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My Dream....

 Friday, April 9, 2010

A couple days ago I was in a half dream half imagination. I know it sounds strange but it happens. lol Basically it's where I'm so out of it that I'm not awake yet, but I can control what happens. Anyway I was dreaming that the book I'm writing got published and Disney wanted to make it into a movie! Also I was going to be able to be in it! :D I was super happy! It was definitely one of my best dreams. :) Later the next day I was telling my mom this dream/imagination. Also I was telling her how cool it would be to be able to be in the movie of your own book! She told me that it doesn't work that way.(She's not letting me dream. Ughh. lol) Anyway I told her it would work if you told them that you would work for free. :D She stuck with her original answer. Lol Anyway I'm going to keep dreaming! :D


Isabelle April 9, 2010 at 10:42 AM  

Wow! That would be really cool if it happened! I won't discourage you!!! Maybe it the Lord wills it something like that would happen. Who knows!

Bookworm April 9, 2010 at 11:24 AM  

Thanks. :D Follow me! lol Do you have a blog? I tried to look at your blog and couldn't find it.

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