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Another Blog and Other Things

 Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well I was thinking about making another blog. This other blog would be about very interesting people in History. I'll try as hard as I can, not to make it boring. :) What do you think? Would you be interested to read this other blog? Anyway back to life. :D Well nothing much has been going on, just the normal. Whatever normal is. :P Couple days ago I watched half of The Parent Trap in French! Surprisingly I did know some of what they were saying. lol Don't worry I did have English subtitles. I love learning the French language, I'm trying really hard(kind of) to get good at it. When I have time I believe I'll watch more movies in French. Because the banner party was here recently it inspired me to make my own banner! While I was supposed to be doing my math, I was drawing out what I think my banner would look like. Perhaps I'll take a pic of it and post it! :D I'll probably post tmro. Anyway I never really realized how much I do stuff. lol Writing it down in this blog has showed me that I'm a busy bee. :)


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