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Impossible To Shop With

 Thursday, April 15, 2010

A couple of days ago we went shopping for my brother. He needed new jeans. Well we were in a super hurry so we put a little pressure on him. He couldn't handle it. Btw we spent an hour trying to find jeans. So we end up buying jeans that don't fit him! The next day he puts them on and the jeans are too big! Ughh Later on we had to go back to the store and get a pair of jeans that do fit him, which took around another hour. When we were finally done shopping for him, no one was in a good mood. lol Never did I know that guys had so many jean options. Their just jeans! Ahhh! Anyway if you happen to read this blog become a fan on fb! It's called Books, Movies, and Life -Blogger. Become a fan! :D


Danielle April 19, 2010 at 5:56 PM  

Try shopping with Katya!

Bookworm April 29, 2010 at 1:09 PM  

Ha ha! I'm sure it's not as hard as to shop with Jonas.

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