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 Friday, April 30, 2010

Well I have recently finished the TrueU. I do recommend it. Although I don't like to learn about other peoples beliefs and what evolutionist think, it was good to learn about how it's not working. The chances. The facts. What's actually going on. Also I recommend you do it in a group. It was great to hear what people had to say and learn about things that other people are having to deal with. Iron sharpens iron. Before this I didn't know, or had an idea, on how strongly and horribly people are pushing these insain ideas. I knew the world was going down hill, but after this you'll see even more. The lessons that I thoroughly enjoyed were the morality ones. I'm not much of a science person and can't get it around my head but I could understand that(without getting a headache.) Let's just say that science isn't my subject. Definitely do this in a group. Also sit in a circle, it tends to help everyone talk. My brother found out that the next project is going to come out early this fall. During the meantime we might start a group with the videos The Master's Way. Also I recommend those. The Truth Project was about what you will encounter in college, the Master's Way is about what you'll encounter on the street.


Another Blog and Other Things

 Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well I was thinking about making another blog. This other blog would be about very interesting people in History. I'll try as hard as I can, not to make it boring. :) What do you think? Would you be interested to read this other blog? Anyway back to life. :D Well nothing much has been going on, just the normal. Whatever normal is. :P Couple days ago I watched half of The Parent Trap in French! Surprisingly I did know some of what they were saying. lol Don't worry I did have English subtitles. I love learning the French language, I'm trying really hard(kind of) to get good at it. When I have time I believe I'll watch more movies in French. Because the banner party was here recently it inspired me to make my own banner! While I was supposed to be doing my math, I was drawing out what I think my banner would look like. Perhaps I'll take a pic of it and post it! :D I'll probably post tmro. Anyway I never really realized how much I do stuff. lol Writing it down in this blog has showed me that I'm a busy bee. :)


Old Meets New

 Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Well lately I got some Shakespeare books. I was quite surprised when I found myself liking it. Right now I'm reading Romeo and Juliet. Thoroughly astonished I found them not to be that big. :D I'll keep you updated on how the books are. Although I have stopped reading "A" is for Alibi and The Heavenly Man. My friend Dani and I had a blast making videos! We made two that were in the store. It was sometimes embarrassing. lol During this one video we were making this oriental guy wouldn't really leave, he just kept going and coming back. It was quite freaky. :P Anyway once we got back to my house we made several more videos there. I had a blast! Before I had started making videos with my friends I never knew it would be this fun! That's all that's going on in my life. Oh, btw, I found out that the woman that Shakespeare married was named Anne Hathaway. I just thought that was funny. :P


Fun, Fun, And More Fun

 Saturday, April 24, 2010

Well I haven't posted in several days, but I do have a good excuse. I've been extremely busy here lately! A couple days ago I went to this thing that we call Christ in the Arts, it's where people show their talents in basically anything, it is so much fun! I love hearing people perform on their instruments, sing, tell stories, and everything else. Although I don't perform anymore, when I was younger I used to play the guitar. Anyway my brother played Experts From the Nut Cracker. He did awesome! After everyone performs we hang out! I had so much fun taking pics with my friends! The other day I went to this thing that we call the Banner Party. It's where the seniors make banners that they'll run through at an event. It's hard to explain but it's super fun! At the beginning of this event we separated into groups to form ideas on what the big banner was going to be. Everyone did good! Although the seniors didn't choose any of the ideas and kind of combined them. Next the seniors start working on their banner and the other people help them. It's a lot of fun to paint and get somewhat messy. :P After the banner party I went to Dani's, a friend of mine, we had a blast making a funny video! I can't wait to go back over to her house and make another one, but for now I just want to rest and not run for awhile. I'm tired! lol


The More You Know, The More You Kohls!

 Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well we went to Kolhs and found some awesome stuff! I have been looking at this one purse for quite a while. I really wanted it! I just didn't know if I should spend the money on it. Well I gave in. lol When we were in Kohls I had to look at it again. Fortunately it was still on sale! Since I had 28 dollars and the purse was 19 I went ahead and got it! Also when I was looking in the Kohls magazine I saw some beautiful sandles! They were on sale for 19 as well. Since I didn't have enough for both my dad said he would pay the difference. :) When we were checking out my mom went into my wallet and found 40! Not including the 28 dollars! I was even happier, because now I could buy my bathing-suit I wanted also! I didn't want my parents to have to pay. Later I might post some pics of the purse and shoes. :D When my brother and dad were looking around they found this coat that was 200 something dollars and was on sale for 60! We just kept saving! :) Also they found some shirts that had once been around 30 for only a couple dollars! My mom had some 15% things(I can't seem to think anymore. lol) so it made it even cheaper! We saved 250 dollars! :D


Good Things and Bad Things

 Monday, April 19, 2010

Well I got two books and they are: The Heavenly Man and "A" is for Alibi. When I had read two chapters in "A" is for Alibi it already had 6 cuss words. :( It seems interesting but I just don't know yet. Hopefully the cussing will stop. I'm going to give it a chance. Tomorrow I'll start reading The Heavenly Man. So far what I know about it is that it's about a missionary in China and his struggles. I'm looking forward to reading it. :) Also I was able to watch Brewster's Millions. It was pretty good. Although it did have cussing. I'm so tired of cussing! Scarily enough it's rated PG! Anyway it's about this man that has to spend 30,000,000 dollars in 30 days and have no assets. The reason he has to do this is so that he can get 300,000,000 dollars! I'm telling you no more! lol


Me and My Clumsiness

 Sunday, April 18, 2010

Well the other day I was with my parents and we passed one of my friends house, so we stopped by to ask if they wanted to bike ride with us. They were already on their bikes and everything! We were all creeped out how well that worked out. I'm so glad that God gave both of us the same idea to bike ride. :D We bike rode all the way up and down this huge hill! I didn't know how much more I could do it. lol Then we walked! She was making me get exercise! lol Later we just sat around and talked, which was a lot of fun. Once we were done talking we decided to play basketball(now remember from my past blog post that my brother and I have been getting are fingers jammed. Well something else happened this time.) I jumped in front of the ball to get it but when I came down I landed on my ankle and it hurt SO bad! I believe it hurt worse than when I broke my foot the first time. It was horrible. When I'm in super pain guess what my brother says. He said "may I feel if there's a break!" If you've ever watched or read Sense and Sensibility you'll know that that's what it's from! Can you believe him?! lol Anyway my friend went to get my dad and soon my foot wasn't hurting to the point of no return. I was able to walk a little. When I got home I took off my shoe and my foot was so swollen that it looked like it had an egg on it. Ughh! My mom later told me that I'm not allowed to play basketball for a long time. She said we get hurt too often. lol I seem to have very weak feet! Already have I broken my left foot then the next year I broke three toes! Also I'm constantly springing them(never this bad though.) Me and my clumsiness! :P


Great YouTube Vid!

 Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hey! Sry I didn't post yesterday, I just didn't want to bother you with minute details of my life. lol Anyway I'm in a really good mood today! :D lol I think it's the beautiful weather out! So I was thinking of something that wouldn't bore you to death. :P Here is a great youtube account! http://www.youtube.com/user/HappySlip I think you'll really like it. Btw it's clean humor! :D Maybe I'll post later!


Impossible To Shop With

 Thursday, April 15, 2010

A couple of days ago we went shopping for my brother. He needed new jeans. Well we were in a super hurry so we put a little pressure on him. He couldn't handle it. Btw we spent an hour trying to find jeans. So we end up buying jeans that don't fit him! The next day he puts them on and the jeans are too big! Ughh Later on we had to go back to the store and get a pair of jeans that do fit him, which took around another hour. When we were finally done shopping for him, no one was in a good mood. lol Never did I know that guys had so many jean options. Their just jeans! Ahhh! Anyway if you happen to read this blog become a fan on fb! It's called Books, Movies, and Life -Blogger. Become a fan! :D


Captives of the Written Word

 Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My book club, Captives of the Written Word, meeting went really good! I had a blast. Excitingly we are reading The Count of Monte Cristo! Everyone had trouble with chapter 14, so we had Emilee read it and had my mom look up quite a bit of words. :) The key to that chapter is the dictionary! Since everyone got to page one hundred fairly easy we decided for us to jump the amount of pages for us to read. We're going to read to 220 till the next book club meeting. :) I'm lucky because I read up to 148, so technically I'll only have to read about 70 pages. ;) Although I'll probably read more than that. Once we were done talking about the book we were talking about the ACT test... *shudders* Anyway Savannah and Emilee were telling us some of the questions they had on it. Also we went around the room and had everyone tell what they wanted to go to college for and such. I was thinking about going to college to become a French translator, French professor, or an attorney(I don't think that will happen, but I'm just keeping my options open.) I'm so glad that we actually have a book club going! :D


Recommended Books

 Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Since I have been talking about movies and my life I thought I would talk a bit more about books. I can never decide what's my number one favorite book. Ughh Anyway here are some recommended books: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, The House of Winlsow series(It's a Christian book but there is some stuff in it that I disagree with.), Jane Eyre, A Father's Promise, The Giver, Lineage of Grace series, Great Expectations, Poirot Loses a Client, Lady Grace Mystery series, Chronicles of Narnia, and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Those are just some of the books that are great! :D Also here are some books that I don't recommend: For Whom the Bell Tolls(It's awful! If you have to read this book I feel sry for you. Btw I didn't make it through it), and The Great Gatsby(It's a classic but not very good. I don't know why it is.) Sry I didn't tell really anything about these books. I gtg but maybe later I'll tell you some about different books.


The Bone Collector

 Monday, April 12, 2010

Well today was an average day. I was finally able to watch The Pelican Brief, which was confusing and good at the same time. lol I can't really tell you want it's about because of the complexity of it. Btw there were some parts in it that were not good. We changed the channel so I just don't know how bad it got. Also I saw that the movie after that was The Bone Collector, so I decided that was something I could talk about. I didn't want to bore you with my boring day. lol I really like it because how suspenseful it is. I have to say though that it can be very scary. Also I watched it on TV so I bet it cut out some of the gore(sry don't quite know if that's how you spell it) if there is any other stuff that I should warn you about I can't remember. There's only this one part that is a little bad but it ends very quickly. If your wondering what The Bone Collector is about here's what I can tell you: In the movie there are two basic main characters who are trying to solve murders by a serial killer. The man in it is a cripple who cannot leave his bed, so he sends his assistant to go look at the evidence. She's a police officer who becomes a forensic person. The movie takes you through several murders till suddenly the murder is going after the man. Once he is where the main guy is, they have a very ruff fight and let's just say you have to close your eyes because of the blood. It's quite horrific. I don't want to tell you anymore so it won't ruin it for you if you decide on watching it. Hope you enjoy reading what I think. :)


Spring Fever

 Sunday, April 11, 2010

Usually I'm content with being in the house and not doing much, but here lately I've been wanting to constantly talk with my friends(not that I don't want to. It's just usually I don't call them) and haven't been minding being super busy. Lately my brother and I have been playing basketball outside. I know that doesn't sound unusual but for my brother he must really have spring fever. lol Unfortunately last week we were playing with some of my friends and my finger got jammed(it's still a tad bit swollen and it still hurts some) so finally when my finger is a lot better my brother gets his finger jammed. lol I didn't know basketball could be so ruff. Although this isn't anything with having spring fever I though I would include it. Yesterday we had some yard work to do, so I helped my parents. I had to hoe. We did not have the right thing for it so I had to use something else(sry I don't know what it's called) anyway when that wasn't working I had to dig them out with my hands. It wasn't too bad, except that I was super dirty. lol So this morning I woke up and my back hurt from bending over. Thankfully it isn't hurting anymore. :) The week before that my brother tried to hoe with a shovel. lol Let's just say that it took him forever not to get a great deal done. Recently we cleaned out the barn. The upstairs was so hot! I can't believe with how cool it is it could be that hot. At least were not in August yet. :) Btw I'm still thinking about North and South. Ha ha. :D


North and South

 Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yesterday I watched North and South with a bunch of girls! I just have to say that I beyond love it! Definitely watch it! I think watching it with a bunch of girls just makes it better. :) It was very romantic! The only thing I didn't like was the lack of communication, which seems to be in every movie that's romantic. lol Also at the beginning I thought the main character, Richard Armitage, was okay looking. I have to say at the end of the first part(there's four parts) I thought he was handsome... lol Let's just say when I told the girls that they screamed and told me I came to the good side. lol Although I wasn't in love with him like the other girls. Let's just say they would marry him at the drop of a heart beat. lol If you are wondering this is not the North and South soap-opera. This is the BBC version of a book written by Elizabeth Gaskell. Also I doubt guys would like it. I'm making my brother watch it anyway. :) He actually wants to see it though! I'll let you know what a guy thinks. :)


Chapter 25

 Friday, April 9, 2010

I just got done with reading chapter 25 in The Count of Monte Cristo! I loved it! It might be the best chapter so far. It was so suspenseful! I'm reading the abridged version...I hate saying that, but the original version is around 1,250 pages. There's no way I would read that! lol Later today I'm going to watch North and South(not the soap-opera) it's the version where the people are in England. Basically that's all I know. :P Although my friends say it's great! Once I'm done watching it I'll post if I like it. :)


My Dream....

A couple days ago I was in a half dream half imagination. I know it sounds strange but it happens. lol Basically it's where I'm so out of it that I'm not awake yet, but I can control what happens. Anyway I was dreaming that the book I'm writing got published and Disney wanted to make it into a movie! Also I was going to be able to be in it! :D I was super happy! It was definitely one of my best dreams. :) Later the next day I was telling my mom this dream/imagination. Also I was telling her how cool it would be to be able to be in the movie of your own book! She told me that it doesn't work that way.(She's not letting me dream. Ughh. lol) Anyway I told her it would work if you told them that you would work for free. :D She stuck with her original answer. Lol Anyway I'm going to keep dreaming! :D


First blog entry! :D

 Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yay! Today has been great...except for the part that I didn't get to read today. There's always tmro! Btw I'm reading The Count of Monte Cristo! It's beyond awesome! Read it! Classic books are always better!


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