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 Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Seriously folks I am so sorry for the lack of posts. Honestly I entered into some kind of doze. Whatever that means. Actually planning for my senior year and thinking of all the different things that have to be accomplished by a specific date is rather stressful. Especially when you throw college into the mix. Since I have been in this mind boggling stupor it has even stunted my writing creativity. Neither have I written a post, that does not have to do with a review, or worked on a novel of any kind. Snippets of stories come to my mind, but I have been too in the dumps to actually get up and write them down. Well after finally exercising, which it has been at least two months, I thankfully found the drive to pick myself back up and get back in the swing of things. Hopefully this lasts. ;) Has school, work, or anything of that kind sent you into the dumps? Please comment and tell, so I know I'm not the only one out there. :) Btw what do you do to relieve that stress? I usually watch tv. Mother, when she is sad, eats. lol Unfortunately I'm starting to pick up that habit. hehe God bless and remember you always have a friend in Jesus. :)


"The Amazing Spider-Man"

 Saturday, July 7, 2012

Long time no see! Sorry for the lack of posts but I've had writer's block. Hopefully this post will break that spell.
Now you might be asking yourself, was this new rendition of Spider-Man really amazing? Well, I have to say they didn't do too bad of a job. ;) Actually it was pretty good! After reading a review from PluggedIn I was a little frightened that they ruined it. PluggedIn said something along the lines of "the first Spider-Man movie had less "stuff" in it and this movie was grittier." Honestly... they lied. Despite being a huge fan of the first Spider-Man movie I can say that that one had more "stuff" in it than this new release. Both I might add, had too much stuff in it, but that is beside the point. As for content I didn't catch up on any serious language in the "The Amazing Spider-Man". Although at the other end of the spectrum they did have some kissing parts. Really only two parts were Peter(Spider-Man) and Gwen(his girlfriend) are actually kissing and the other scenes they get really close to it. Also in the subway Spider-Man is having trouble controlling his "sticky" powers and accidentally rips off this lady's shirt. We see her in a bra and that is basically it. Very easy to see coming. When we were in the theater and I just turned to my brother and said "This is the part, close your eyes." The end.
In this adaption of Spider-Man a few things are different from the originals. Like how Mary Jane is not in it. Gwen is. Honestly the ages felt a bit off in this movie. Gwen seemed quite a bit older than Peter. I believe it was how they had her dress. It was all a bit too old for her. Also you finally get a clearer back story that will definitely come into play, eventually. I also felt that the original trilogy was more patriotic. Including the people of New York as people Spider-Man actually caring about him and being of some help. Basically just a great cheering squad. ;) Now I'm not actually going to do a review. I'm sry. Instead there is this:

Now here is my battle between the Spideys!

Andrew Garfield:                                                              
In "The Amazing Spider-Man" you couldn't really imagine him as the nerdy/made-fun-of kid. Sry. He appeared to be the more "popular" kind. What he did have going for him was that he appeared younger. In the other Spider-Man movie it felt like they were already adults. Andrew had that young feeling that was lacking in the other movie.                    

Tobey Maguire:
He will always be my Spider-Man. Can't help it. I grew up with that movie. Now Tobey Maguire is the guy that we could all cheer for! He was that perfect nerdy kind of guy. Not too cool or anything like that. Although the acting was a bit too grown-up. Taking into consideration that he supposedly just graduated from high-school in the first movie. Also, I have to say, that he kind of got on my nerves at times. Too angry. :P

Who do you believe is the perfect Spider-Man? May the battle begin.
God bless and have a wonderful weekend! :)


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