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Recommended Books

 Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Since I have been talking about movies and my life I thought I would talk a bit more about books. I can never decide what's my number one favorite book. Ughh Anyway here are some recommended books: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, The House of Winlsow series(It's a Christian book but there is some stuff in it that I disagree with.), Jane Eyre, A Father's Promise, The Giver, Lineage of Grace series, Great Expectations, Poirot Loses a Client, Lady Grace Mystery series, Chronicles of Narnia, and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Those are just some of the books that are great! :D Also here are some books that I don't recommend: For Whom the Bell Tolls(It's awful! If you have to read this book I feel sry for you. Btw I didn't make it through it), and The Great Gatsby(It's a classic but not very good. I don't know why it is.) Sry I didn't tell really anything about these books. I gtg but maybe later I'll tell you some about different books.


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