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"As Sure as the Dawn"

 Saturday, March 31, 2012

(Not my picture)

     I have now completed this amazing series by Francine Rivers! "As Sure as the Dawn" was the last book in this trilogy and was a lot more than just captivating! This novel kept you moving. Unlike it's counterparts this book was upbeat and it barely stopped to breathe. Reading this book was a delightful pleasure! During some parts I was sure something tragic was going to happen... and it did, but God was there to see them through it.

      "As Sure as the Dawn" picks back up the story of Atretes after he has been released from being a gladiator in book one. As he finds out that his son is alive he sets forth to find him. In the guardianship of Rizpah, a widow, the his child is more than just safe... he is loved. Rizpah names him Caleb. Although Atretes does not want this women to have anything to do with raising his son, he strips Caleb from her. Little Caleb unceasingly cries until he gets his way. ;) Rizpah is allowed to care for him. Loving Caleb compels her to follow Atretes, even to the forests of Germania. As miracles happen Atretes comes to know the Lord for his personnel savior, but being a child himself in the Christian faith brings many challenges ahead. The Chatti people, his own people, are bull headed and hungry for battle. Will anyone listen to him as he tries to beat the truth into their heads? Or will they follow the way to destruction? With a friend at Atretes's side, Theophilus, he and Rizpah are encouraged but for how long? Will Rizpah's own past bring about her death?

     This book was rampant with heart beating killing scenes, to tear inducing moments. I whole heartily recommend this series and hope you get as much pleasure from it as I did.  God bless!


"An Echo in the Darkness"

 Saturday, March 24, 2012

(not my picture)

    Well I'm actually quite disappointed with this book. "An Echo in the Darkness" is a continuation of "A Voice in the Wind" and failed in comparison! This novel continues the story of Hadassah, Marcus, Julia, and Phoebe... adding some other unique characters. "An Echo in the Darkness" was long winded and slow. There weren't many exciting scenes and those were few and far between. This book wasn't a total loss though, I was happy the way things turned out for characters and the message they brought with it.
     As I said before this books goes on to tell of what happened next from the heart pounding scene in the last book. Feeling like his one true love is gone brings Marcus to utter despair. Searching for answers, more like demanding why Hadassah had to die, takes Marcus to another land. Through his journey he is cursing God with his very heart. (Honestly I was a little uncomfortable with how much he was spewing his hatred for God. Just thought I'd tell you that a lot of the parts with him were like that. :P) Stepping where Hadassah stepped does nothing for him. Will he find his answers? Or will the those who want him dead prevail?
     Julia is ill.... she is nearly alone... will all those she know forsake her? Throwing away the one person that truly loved her brings her without anyone. Going through money like water and being conned brings her to poverty. Not only is her disease terminal it is brought on by her own shameful life. Suffering from the afflictions that she had placed upon herself, Julia seems to always be the one not to blame. As her disease wears away at her body new fears take hold. Will I be alone at the end? Where am I going? These are but a few questions she has swirling around her head. When she does find someone who will stay with her, who is a Christian, will she continue to refuse Him. Will she ever see the true meanings of the stories Hadassah had once told her? As the end is drawing quickly will Julia be left in darkness?...
       (Spoiler alert for this paragraph!)     Thinking all life was gone, that she had completed her business upon this earth, brings great confusion for tattered Hadassah as she is miraculously saved. As a physician risks all he has to save a victim of the lions den, will it be worth it or will she prove a great azar(helper)? Hoping to protect her the physician, Alexander, gives her a new name Rapha, meaning healer. Protesting that it is not she who heals but the Lord, she gives herself the name Azar. Life goes on and she thinks that will never have to see the Valerians again. Although as reputation spreads of Hadassah's power to heal and of the physician himself, she is once again thrown into Julia's life. Without ever having to show her identity, because of the veils she wears to cover her scars, will she be able to keep up this charade forever?
I hope you have a wonderful week and may the Lord be with you! Btw did you go see the Hunger Games premier? Unfortunately I did not but I shall soon! I'm so excited!


"A Voice in the Wind"

 Sunday, March 18, 2012

(not my photo)

What an amazing book! I am so thankful that a friend recommended this series! "A Voice in the Wind" is the first book in the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. This novel is set during the time period of around 70 a.d. Taking you through Jerusalem to Rome and to Ephesus brings a whole world to life before your eyes. Many characters are brought into your spectrum and give you a wide variety of people! From gentle Hadassah, childish Julia, barbaric Atretes, rich yet empty Marcus, and a whole set of characters that revolve around each of these people, who can't help but compel you to stop and ponder. The bad and the ugly of these characters souls actually made me think a lot more about what Jesus did. He died for everyone. I have to say that I absolutely hated Julia! And to know that Jesus died for her, and people like her, too if she would receive Him is mind boggling at the love He has. Anyway.. lol ;)

       Having mere life nearly stripped from her brings Hadassah to her knees before the Lord. Everything gone, she now became a slave. Although the Lord had His hand on her and rather than being thrown into the arena for being a Jew, becoming a slave was a blessing! Serving with humility and loyalty soon brings warmth and love from her owners. But fear has a way of keeping ones tongue locked tight. Since being a Christian isn't necessarily "safe" she let's everyone just believe that she is Jewish. Though they can tell that she has a peace that surpasses understanding.  Will she tell those she has come to love about the hope that is in Jesus? Or will it come little too late?
         Hungry for pleasure, which Marcus hopes would fill some void within him, just leaves him with an even deeper cut within. Money, women, and power have disquieted his mind. Sensing a peace that Hadassah has brings a longing to his heart for her. Though refusing everything she believes in only brings more frustration as he tries to "reason" with her. What made him care so much for just a servant? Would he break her just to get to her?
        As she follows in her big brother's, Marcus, steps, it brings Julia down an even deeper, darker, and more shallow place within her soul. After so long Hadassah cannot control this torment of destruction that Julia brings upon herself. Adultery, murder, and a lack of feeling, are all she embraces. Rome has made Julia her child. Although she isn't fully able to come up with such conniving completely on her own and she is fully willing to listen to anything but reason and morality. Listening to lies brings her to hate the one person that loves her so. To what end will she bring "vengeance" upon this person?
        Taken captive by the Roman empire brings Atretes, a Germanic barbarian, to Rome as a gladiator. Releasing all his hate keeps his alive. Heart pounding and mind racing bring nothing to him other than distaste for this world. Adored by both men and women doesn't give him anything. Money pouring down on Atretes still cannot get him freedom. If he does succeed in gaining freedom, would it fill that desire, or will he die a gladiator and without hope?

Sorry for the longevity of this post. There was a lot to tell. :) Anyway I hope you consider reading this book because it is definitely a keeper. ;) Though I would say that you might want be to at least 16 before reading it because there is a lot of topics that are bit grownup... just saying. It didn't really go in detail but sometimes it might be a bit much for more naive ears(eyes). :P
God bless and have a wonderful day!


Let's Go Fly A Kite

 Monday, March 12, 2012

A few days ago my family and I went to a kite fest! It was absolutely beautiful out! Spring is most definitely here! 

My brother and dad putting together our wimpy kite. We had a Spider Man and Bionicle kite. lol

The kites ranged and varied in size. Some of which were beautiful and then there were kites like ours. lol

The wind was pretty good that day. Although right when you thought the wind was going in a particular direction it would do a 180. :P 

Can you see my brother? That's our kite up there. :)


The one near the top of the photo is ours!

Mother and I enjoying the sun. We need a tan... lol

There were tons of people there that day...mostly consisting of families with younger children, but still it was a great day! Btw we weren't the only kids our age to be there. lol

God bless and have a wonderful day!


Skyward I Look

 Friday, March 9, 2012

My brother has a love of photography like I do. Unlike myself though he actually takes tons of photos. lol Although I have taken around 5,000 photos. It's not like that is a lot or anything... ;) Anyway these photos were taken by my brother and I simply adore them! Hope you enjoy as well! 

I love when the sun will pierce through the clouds! It's always so beautiful!

Bamboo! Yes, we have bamboo on our property. :)

God bless and have a wonderful week!


"Through Gates of Splendor"

 Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm so sry for taking so long to write another post, but I just couldn't think of anything. :P I hate writer's block! Will try to do better. :)

"Through Gates of Splendor", was recommended by several friends and they sparked my curiosity! "Through Gates of Splendor" was written by Elisabeth Elliot, wife of Jim Elliot(one of the missionaries written about). This book takes you from five different men's calling to spread the Word of God to Ecuador; leading them to Auca people. As they each find their calling it leads them to strive to reach the Auca people. Isolated a-midst a vast forest makes the task of even finding these stone-age barbarians a mere miracle. Some of these men knew from the beginning that this was their calling while others were led by God towards the end of the mission. Crossing leaps and bounds when it comes to even seeing an Auca, brings them one step closer to their mission. After weeks and weeks of dropping gifts such as a machetes, knives, ribbons, pictures, and so forth they hope to show clearly their motive of friendship. Will the Aucas understand this form of relation with the white man? Or will their old instinct to kill pull forth? Whatever the outcome, the five missionaries knew that God was with them the entire way. And they also knew that whatever happened it was in the Lord's will and the gave all the glory to God.

Now for my critic. :P     The only thing that I have to say in a negative way towards "Through Gates of Splendor" is that I don't feel like they showed how giving up everything, in other words even just basic toiletries, was any problem for them. They showed in basic ways how it was a struggle not to give up hope on the mission but nothing very personnel in that respect.
Positive critic! :)    This book helped me to see that any pursuit in life, whether it be career or domestic, is completely in vain and has no bearing upon my soul unless I do it unto the glory of God. Sometimes I get rather tangled up in my own wants in life without bringing up the fact that this life isn't my own. I was bought with a price and have been charged with sharing the good news of Christ to everyone.

To end this post here are some Bible verses about sharing the amazing news of redemption.

"Then He said to His disciples, "The Harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." -Matthew 9:37-38

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here I! Send me."" -Isaiah 6:8    I want to make this verse what I will do! I want to say, "Send me!"

God bless and have a wonderful week!


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