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"North and South"

 Friday, May 18, 2012

(Not my picture)

After finally ordering this book from Barnes and Noble, and having it arrive, I was acting like a total fan-girl! Just holding "North and South" in my hands and looking over the names was pleasure. If you have seen the movie, BBC version that is, you will understand why I had to end up reading it. A friend of mine asked if I was able to imagine Richard Armitage as John Thornton while reading this book. Actually I did imagine that actor from time to time, while reading it, but I more frequently imagined Daniela Denby-Ashe as Margaret. Perfect casting for the movie, just had to say.
Surprisingly I was a slightly disappointed with this book. Honestly I was looking forward to any new little details it could give me and just to be able to soak it all up. Not to say that this book was not lovely or anything like that but once you have watched the movie I believe it stripped the pleasure away from reading it. But first my review. I tell you more of what I thought after I tell a bit about the book.

"North and South" was written by Elizabeth Gaskell and it showed how love blooms. Whether the party receiving this love wants it or not. You are introduced to Margaret Hale, a respectful and opinionated young women. Once her cousin, Edith, is married off Margaret comes to reside with her parents again. Although there is bitter turmoil beneath the surface. Mr. Hale, Margaret's father, has a turn of conscience and gives up his living as a parson. With this overshadowing her, she also has to leave her beloved home Helstone. Leaving the trees and glades and forests wander, Margaret must accustom herself to living in Milton. Dreary and so far away from her home, the dirt and smug do little to lift her spirits. Meeting the manufacturer, Mr. Thornton, stretches her mind to not think so ill of a manufacturer. Although she finds the most friendship in the slum places of town among Mr. Higgins and his daughter, Bessy. Struggles hit everyone when a strike breaks out and Margaret is caught in the middle. Doing what she thinks is right, Margaret puts herself in harms way to protect Mr. Thornton. Later when Mr. Thornton professes his unabashed love for her, she turns him down forthright! Determined to always love her, John Thornton is brokenhearted as it appears that she will never return his affections. As financial circumstances change will it continue to separate them? Will his love conquer all, or will she never marry?

Well I went on a rampage of info, didn't I? ;) The reason for such disappointed feelings for "North and South", is because the ending was so short! I was shocked! After a book that spares no expense in telling what kind of floors they had, I was dully shocked by how quickly it was wrapped up!  Despite the fact that it was romantic I was really hoping that it would be dragged out. lol Another reason I was disappointed is because I basically knew what was going to happen at every turn, which can be a little boring. I really liked this book, but wished I hadn't watched the movie first. Basically in that sentence I gave you my advise: Read the book first! If you have already watched the movie I wouldn't really bother reading it. Although that is up to you.
God bless and have a wonderful week!


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